
Crank · @AxCrank

9th Aug 2013 from TwitLonger

I didn't say how my mind is going recently. I lost all matches recently except STC HuK. My neck has 2 nerve damages. I only said I could not practice because of neck pain, but my situation was much harder. I couldn't feel confident cuz of I couldn't practice as much as I can and felt like I can't recover like GanZi. My match vs Alicia is kind of all in play. If my opponent difended my rush I can't win even fi I killed many probes, I couldn't know how much I killed. Many people are telling me I should have won but if every situation is going to be kinda bad for me how can I feel confident and play so well? Sorry to make you guys to be confused. I couldn't guess how my game was going exactly. I just thought these games were going to be like practice games. I just guess I was losing.

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