I can't deny that the Wii U's been doing poorly in 2013, yes, it has problems. But to say that a major home console from one of the big three is forever doomed less than a year after its launch is just downright naive... I certainly remember how the PS3 was doing during its first year, all that was said about it in '06-'07 was "$600 and no games," and it went on to perform as well as it has after that. To say that less-powerful hardware will never sell is to ignore the smash successes of the GameBoy, PS2, and DS.

There's no denying that it's in trouble and will take some serious hard work to turn around, I concede that completely, but it's far too early to make a call. Blows my mind how quickly the world of journalism forgets that game systems have been in binds like this many times before.

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