[Trans] JYJ's worldwide support, "Do not interfere with JYJ's activities"

Fans all over the world cheered when the Fair Trade Commission ordered the visibility of JYJ (Kim Jaejoong, Park Yoochun, Kim Junsu).

In particular, it is a petition voluntarily made by the fans that made the Fair Trade commission to begin its investigation. The fact that overseas fans also participated is a huge surprise.

When the news about FTC's order was posted in the news portal sites, the overseas fans flocked en masse to comment. ID hweeyon from Brunei said, "fans are not afraid to put a stop on SM's interference." ID som_jae, an Arab fan said, "It's been 4 years since their activities were constrained but JYJ's popularity internationally is growing more and more." ID anna930 from Germany "Fans would like to see JYJ on TV broadcast soon."

Source: http://www.topstarnews.net/n_news/news/view.html?no=36365#.UfCLvKyXSkp

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