Donations to Free Barrett Brown Ltd. may be tax-exempt. We are a nonprofit corporation based in Massachusetts, but we do not have 501(c) or any official charitable status. This is because we organize, advocate and fundraise for the legal defense of a private individual — Barrett Brown. Nonprofits are granted tax-exempt status by the IRS when organized for charitable or public purposes. However, our work in defense of internet freedom and online journalism has important public benefits and charitable implications.

Under U.S. tax law in 2013, donations to Free Barrett Brown Ltd. may be considered 'annual exclusion gifts' which are tax-exempt. For tax purposes, each person has an annual exclusion for gifts of $14,000 per donee. If your contribution doesn't fall under the current gift tax exemption of $14k per individual per donee per year (if it's more than that, or already claimed), then a lifetime gift tax exemption of $5.25 million may still apply.

We hope that this information is helpful and will encourage you to donate at In any case, please check with your accountant or a tax lawyer before claiming a gift tax exemption.

For more information from the IRS:

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