
넴네미~ · @KatHeartsJJ

16th Jul 2013 from TwitLonger

Q: When "party' is mentioned, do you have any memories of embarassing actions that you did when you're drunk?

CM: Both of our alcohol tolerance is good, or you just count it as "Not weak" (laughs) so i think there are no misbehaving actions.

YH: Because of my self control, and I'm also not the type that likes to drink, so I don't think there are times when we're really drunk.
Such as on after parties, I have this thinking "I must drink until i leave this place!", but it's just a thinking, but at the end I'm still awake/sober, then I was also responsible to clean up the mess.
No, I watch till the end, so that on the next day I could tell people about the things that happened during the party, isn't that interesting? (laughs)

Q: I see, so it's like that, this kinda has also noticed other appearances other then the "Natural Yunho" during the stage mc (laughs). In this mv, besides a cool appearance, like "Young guy appearance","Humourous appearance" are also the point right, for example, Yunho also did the mouth of a duck face!!

CM: So you've noticed it! Correct, when Yunho's tired, he has the habit of pouting, I knew about it (laughs).
Although Yunho is older than me, but he has many cute and young appearance, so in this time's mv, you can see many of these appearance, so i hope that Yunho's fans can check out this mv in detail.

YH: This....erm...because Changmin's part was filmed first, his part was filmed so well, he makes people think "Changmin, how can you filmed it so good?" to this level, very handsome and neat.
So that became my burden, I also said to the staffs: "I'm not sure that I could film it handsomely." (laughs)

Q: It looks like Changmin worked really hard to film it (laughs)

CM: I;m really sorry(laughs)!!

YH: Although I don't know how he did the filming, but it looks perfect in my eyes, there's a young feeling, and it also carries sexiness, so it also makes me have the feeling of want to do the filming as good as Changmin, but that kind of scene is still kinda reluctant (laughs), so I just challenge it with a young feeling.

Q: It's indeed like that, I don't know why there are some scenes where Yunho looks like a young boy where as Changmin looks the the older brother.

YH: Tha's right, just like when we're walking together side by side, I put my arms over Changmin's shoulder, there will be this thinking "Eh? this doesn't seem right~", I think it must be last time's concert during MC, the reason could be because of the role of M & S.
But in reality it sets the difference of our personalities, but sometimes i will also think, am I being influenced by the stage role.(laughs)

CM: Is it like that? I didn't really notice it so i don't have any feelings...ha

Q: So you mean that Changmin's real behaviour is different from what he showed on concert MC, in reality it matches his age and there are many cute sides of him?

CM: Of course it's like that, I'm really cute~

YH: Yes, yes, it's really like that (laughs)

CM: I'm a cute crystal(?)!

YH: That's great~~ (burst out laughing)!

via: 돖드립
Chinese trans:loveissammi

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