The social purpose of comedy, as well as being entertainment, is to push the envelope and test boundaries. When an established act like me publicly criticises a new act, it can look like sour grapes. But I don't care. I think someone needs to say something.

The latest @janoskians hidden camera clip on YouTube features one of the group approaching a young mother who has a pram with a baby in it. The group member claims that the baby sexually excites him and proceeds to stand by the pram while pretending to masturbate, to the obvious and not unreasonable distress of the baby's mother and grandmother.

Am I too old to 'get it'? Maybe I am. If so, I'm glad. It's repulsive. It's probably also criminal. It's certainly utterly witless.

The @janoskians may think they're brave and edgy. They're not. They're just school bullies.

I hope they see sense and take the clip down. If they don't, I have no doubt they'll be destroyed in the press. I wouldn't normally wish that on anyone but frankly, I think it might be what they need.