
Tony Foote · @TheUpperFoot

21st May 2013 from TwitLonger

Here's a response to @MCristinaBaldin's (Nefy's) Twitlonger post at in which she expresses disbelief at how MJ's fans cannot recognize him... as MJVIVA, ASMICHAELSAYSIT (aka AMSI) and a number of other Twitter names ending up currently as @LAMJ_SNARL.

Nefy, and your fellow SIM-board friends @undermj and @aliceverdino, along with Doug @Dmovie27's "crew" consisting of @Cosmic_cheri, @Thriller_Wolf, @ValentinaGalina, @ApplePieAlchemy, @Peacock2012, @celmj17, @mj_trigueMMXIII and @LaurenceDupras... YOU are all the primary reason this person continues to haunt this community. You ALL fail to recognize that AMSI HAS BEEN DISCREDITED, DEBUNKED, DISPROVEN.

YOU are the reason people have gotten hurt and WILL KEEP BEING HURT.

You claim that it's not true that AMSI was suspended by the estate. Well, you don't have to believe me about that. But tell me, who have you seen around here who has been suspended permanently for "spam"? You claim to play that game yourself, constantly reporting other Twitter accounts for going after AMSI... but no one gets yanked off Twitter for bogus "spam" claims. It doesn't work. People CAN be suspended for abuse, but you have to make a pretty good case for it to Twitter, because they will allow people to have freedom of speech, even in a heated argument where people call each other names.

I showed you the letter from the estate from the first time he was suspended. Twitter gave him a second chance though, after he promised to stop impersonating... but he didn't stop. The second time he was suspended, it was by Twitter themselves, from the original Estate's complaint because he DIDN'T stop, and they acknowledged it was for that impersonation AND for ABUSE. That time he had THREE accounts all suspended at once -- both the AMSIVIVA1 and AMSIVIVA2 accounts, along with the "@want2saygoodbye" account he used to post his "goodbye" Twitlonger. You click on those accounts and they say, "Sorry, that user has been suspended."

He even said that he did that himself, but come on! You KNOW that someone cannot ask for their own account to be suspended.

This is not a matter of the fans being unable to imagine Michael Jackson exhibiting "human characteristics" and the ability to react, as you say, "with fierce irony and sarcasm to provocation" and who "gets angry in a violent way to slander." This is about the complete picture this person paints of MJ. What is SO VERY HARD TO BELIEVE is that -- if you go along with the idea he faked his death -- that he did so with such a terrible reason (as offered by AMSI, he has given poor finances, fear of his family, and a vague, not-fully-explained fear of his life being in danger as his reasons) -- that he now rests here on Twitter, shaking his fist at the world, unable to do much else with his anger.

It paints a picture of a man who has just given up on his life. Do you think that Michael Jackson couldn't have turned around his finances? That he couldn't just choose to entirely avoid his family if he wanted to? That he couldn't afford protection against threats on his life? That he couldn't even just retire to an island compound surrounded by surveillance, armed guards and thick concrete walls, if he really wanted to JUST GET AWAY?

It paints a picture of a man who abandoned his children. And one who now sits complaining about those children -- who knew only one parent in their lives -- whom he LEFT where they would be SURROUNDED by this family he claims to hate so much.

It paints a picture of a man who let a doctor be "framed" for his murder, who now sits in jail (and quite uncomfortably -- just listen to that man complain about it!). You know, if I'm Michael Jackson and I want to fake my death -- I'd just go out and buy a small plane with a single accomplice to fly me out over the ocean and sink that plane. He would survive to tell the story. No need for a "patsy" to take any blame; no need to involve paramedics, police, doctors, lawyers, coroners, judges or anyone to help me with it. And, I wouldn't return a couple of years later on Twitter to bitterly complain about all who hurt me.

It paints a picture of someone who is a real weenie.

I DO NOT ACCEPT YOUR WEENIE VERSION OF "MICHAEL JACKSON" AND YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES FOR FALLING FOR THIS! And you should be MORE ashamed of yourselves for helping OTHER people believe that it's him!

I invite you to take a look at one of his followers on Twitter, @Claudiahinoto. Look all throughout her feed. You might not even know her, because she seldom talks to anyone else. It is very sad -- she sits there endlessly tweeting at Mr. Snarl there -- and another name she believes might be MJ too -- telling him how much she misses him; begging him to come back. Have you EVER seen AMSI reply back to this woman? No. He just lets her sit there pouring out her feelings, and never responds; never comforts her.

If you look at "who tweets at Snarl" by doing a search of his user name, you'll see a lot of other people like her, who rarely if ever receive a response from him. He is not interested in "people who love MJ." He is interested in stirring up drama -- and those people do not help him do that. So he doesn't care to talk to them.

You are helping these people be hurt. And here is what will happen: He will finally figure out that THIS IS NOT WORTH CONTINUING and he will just leave you few dozen people who still support him... just sitting there with nothing. Michael Jackson, if he faked his death and decided to speak out again, would not go find a handful of people who tried to help EXPOSE his faked death and befriend them.

I'd think if he went to all that trouble to fake his death -- you know, MAYBE he wouldn't be too happy about people trying to hunt him down and tell the world that he did that! You think he'd be GRATEFUL? You think he'd find you and make you all his special friends????

Do you realize just HOW MANY people have appeared on Twitter since June 25, 2009 and tried to say, "SURPRISE! It's MEEEE! Michael Jackson, here on wonderful Twitter, tweeting at all my glorious fans!" ??? TOO MANY. You supporting THIS ONE helps continue to tell ANYONE who wants to pretend to be MJ, that they CAN, and they will GET AWAY WITH IT because people are just gullible enough to believe it.

Do you know how many people have been hurt by these fakes? And do you realize WHY THEY FELL FOR THEM? Because -- they saw OTHER people talking to them, who believed them, and this gave them more reason to believe.

YOU AMSI SUPPORTERS ARE THE PROBLEM. AMSI himself is just some jerk out there having a perverted sort of fun... because he CAN. You have NO PROOF of who he is. No one has seen him, or heard him, or received any independent verification of him from a source most would regard as reliable. HE IS HERE BECAUSE OF YOU, AND PEOPLE ARE GETTING HURT BECAUSE YOU SUPPORT HIM.

It has nothing to do with the "character" he exhibits.

Lately he has been railing against "those shitty Jacksons" (his words) while favoring AEG. Let me ask you this: If he LIKED AEG, then why would he leave them sitting there holding the bag for a 50-date concert he was supposed to make them millions of dollars from? If he "liked" them, he sure has a crappy way of showing it, right?

Meanwhile, who is SUING AEG for his wrongful death? Not "the Jackson family" as a whole. Specifically it is his children and his mother bringing that suit. All the other Jacksons stand to gain NOTHING from this lawsuit. Whatever money comes from it, will go to his estate. When his mother finally passes away, all of the money from his estate goes to his CHILDREN. Not to any of the other Jacksons. Maybe his mom will slip them a few bucks for gas money for driving her to the courthouse? And maybe even buy them lunch for sitting there with her through the trial.

Meanwhile, your Mr. Snarl there has lately been attacking his own mother and children for suing AEG. If they believe he is dead, then they want justice, and I say, let them try to find it. If it is decided that AEG wasn't responsible, then fine; they felt they had to try -- TO FIND JUSTICE. You think his mother and his children are greedy, as AMSI would suggest? HE LEFT HIS MONEY TO THEM. A while back AMSI swore that MJ's will was real and was his true intentions. He cannot complain about his children seeking out fame or money off of his name -- THEY ARE THE HEIRS TO HIS NAME. THEY HAVE THE LEGAL RIGHT.

Think about the picture this man paints, about Michael Jackson AND about his family, his mother, and his children. It's a pathetic, pitiful one -- and the reason you find so many people complaining about AMSI. Think about that.

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