
jenny · @jenny_breakeven

1st May 2013 from TwitLonger

30 Days 30 Letters Challenge.
Day 1: A letter to your best friend.

Dear best friend,
thank you so much for everything. You’re the best friend a girl could ask for. You’re always there for me, I just know it. No matter what, I know that when I message you, you’re going to reply as soon as you see it. You’re always trying to cheer me up, to make me smile or to get my mind off the bad things. God, I love you so much. You’re not always able to help me, but you always try. You don’t judge me. You take me serious, no matter how silly my problems may be. You hug me when I need it. You let me call you that stupid pet name. I can have the silliest conversations with you, but some are serious and honest and deep, too. You have your flaws and I have mine and we both know that. But for me, our friendship is perfect. Sure, it had its flaws, too, but really, who cares? Sometimes I feel like our friendship isn’t balanced, that I’m taking too much and giving too little. But you know that I’m always there for you, too, right? If you need me, I’m there. It doesn’t matter if it’s at 4am or whenever or about whatever, if you need me, I’m there. I’d do everything for you, I hope you know that. Hell, sometimes you’re one of the few reasons why I’m still alive (not literally). I love you, boy. And I’m so so so so so glad that you’re in my life and that we’re friends and that I have you. Because seriously, I don’t know what I’d do without you. And yes, you’re so so annoying sometimes, but I don’t care because I know I am, too. And you put up with me, nevertheless. So yeah, I think that was it. This letter probably doesn’t express how grateful I am for your existence, but I think you it.
In love,

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