
SimPattyK Ro · @SimPattyK

22nd Apr 2013 from TwitLonger

@ComfortablyGeek @4Wishingstar I'm responding to ComfortablyGeek's twitlonger regarding AMSI, see link -->

Wishy, you probably wonder why I send this to you since you weren't in this discussion lol It's only because I mention you :)

I didn't know about all that. TKs 4sharing ur story, ComfortablyGeek.
As for me, I don't quite believe in this stuff,but I know some ppl believe in this kind of things & it can harm them, because even if nothing is true, simply their self-induced ideas, auto-suggestion, can affect their minds, their feelings, it can influence their dreams and trigger strange reactions & behaviors... especially if those people are easy to manipulate/influence...

On the other hand, I believe in telepathy between very close ppl that know each other very well and care for each other! For example:I feel when my mom wants to call me, I can anticipate certain things that are about to be said by people that I know and love very much... that's also called intuition! more than telepathy lol

Or very often me & my "hoax-sister", @4Wishingstar think abt one another & then if we check our e-mail, to our endless surprise, we realize there's a mail sent by the other one only few minutes earlier! lol -> proof that we both thought about each other at the same time. loll it's funny and weird at times and it happens quite often! loll

BUT I DON'T believe in telepathic / psychic sessions, paranormal predictions or all that stuff! And if AMSI, Doug or whomever is behind those accounts, are trying to fool ppl into believing that Michael Jackson himself is conducting telepathic sessions with his fans, on twiter, while the whole world thinks he's dead, then really ppl should question and judge their own sanity first, before everything else!

I believe that MJ is and has been online for many years, not just starting with the hoax! it's normal! i think every artist does that in order to know better what his public wants, thinks, likes! They most probably "infiltrate" themselves under various usernames and they just observe and study their audience behavior and preferences!
So even if MJ is on twitter, FB, forums, etc... he most certainly does it for far more SERIOUS purposes than just doing telepathic sessions with fans!

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