
Tony Foote · @TheUpperFoot

21st Apr 2013 from TwitLonger

I DID A TP SESSION TOO! One week ago (4/14) I piggybacked on the one AMSI had with @Dmovie27 to see if I too, might pick up on a "scene" as AMSI promised Doug. What I picked up on was very interesting; maybe someone will pick up a clue or two within it!

Offhand, as many of you know that I believe AMSI and Doug to be the same person, I have pretty good faith that this TP (TelePathy) session worked just fine, as it is not usually too difficult for someone to read his own mind. As I try to reach inside this man's brain myself, I wear thick rubber gloves so as to try to avoid the SP (SocioPathy) which is both acidic and viscous.

So we have Doug's response finally, some six days later, at and therein he shares really no insights into "the hoax" or a "BAM" or anything -- he uses the opportunity to showcase his own "screenwriting" skills. Well, maybe I shouldn't qualify the word "screenwriting" with apostrophes; he is writing and I can see that writing on a screen, after all.

Before I show you what I received, I'd like to comment on Doug's narrative there. First, he says the following: "There has been great disturbance and blockage the last few days from those who don't want the TP sessions taking place. If they can keep up enough of a stink and distraction by trying to close accounts, report people to twitter etc they think they will be able to also prevent these communications from happening."

Ah Doug, you sense a disturbance in the Force? A blockage? Well, if you actually do believe in this form of communication, then immediately you would see there being no need for Twitter; you can simply meditate and "send" your messages to your disciples. Right? Any chance you might start doing that? Just toss out your computer because you don't need it anymore?

But you felt "blocked" maybe because I posted my latest blog at exposing you as someone who, quite enthusiastically, followed and contributed to a site which promotes women-hating and gay-hating, combined with a bizarre form of overall bigotry and hatred of over 99% of society... which also promotes Satanism AND proudly proclaims it is the only "Pro-NWO" ("New World Order" aka "the elite" aka "The Illuminati") site on the entire internet?

Gee, that was a handful to summarize, and I don't recall making any statement that people shouldn't try telepathy. Do I believe in telepathy? Sure! Maybe I can even attribute a small part of it to helping me ferret out some of the stench of your internet trail. What was that little voice that nagged me to go back and check out what that "Truthholder" thing was all about?

You continue: "Once you transcend the written and spoken word, your possibilities become limitless and this is what the likes of Foote and many others are trying to stop and prevent. These forms of communication are not new, just new to those who never knew they existed. So, with that said, I'll share what I think came to me even though I believe it came under stressful circumstances."

Who never knew they existed? Many people believe in it, and many don't, but few are utterly unaware of the concept itself. Right now I'm picturing an internet meme, a picture of a surprised-looking cat and the caption, "I can haz telepathee?" And you're right -- when you transcend the written and spoken word, your possibilities CAN become limitless... just like when you can transcend gravity and all sorts of other physical limitations. Indeed, once you transcend LIMITS, your possibilities are limit-LESS! (Durrr.) Then you too can be flying in astral, somewhere!

So let's look at this just for a moment: You felt "stressful circumstances." I'd been focusing more on the "AMSI" persona than the "Doug" persona for a while, by the time you did your "TP session" last Sunday, 4/14. I do find it curious how "you and AMSI" managed to conveniently have that happen on that very date; numbers you've been pumping out to your followers as "important." But you know, I posted my blog early on the 15th, and of course you wouldn't have been under any undue "stress" per se -- unless, gee, you felt my own psychic vibes harshing your mellow there? I WAS composing my blog that day, but I wasn't talking about it. So if you're detecting a disturbance in your dark side of the Force there... hey, great! I must be a more powerful "transmitter" than I thought!

Alas, if I were truly that effective, then by golly, I wouldn't be here using these very limiting "words." You would have packed up and moved away by now!

Seems like you didn't have much to offer to rebut anything I said in the blog... once again, you haven't recanted any of it or tried to explain it... and you CAN'T call it a lie or a rumor. You WERE there, posting your own crazy ideas with the wind of DJ Hives blowing up your skirt; you WERE there bashing WOMEN as the "species" who can cause mayhem and destruction and drag you down to the depths of hell. You were there, with your scathing comment toward Don Cornelius's replacement on "Soul Train," Shemar, saying it all when you said, "Get the hell out of here, fag boy!" You were there, declaring that the slave ancestors of black Americans were "Africa's rejects" and thus the reason the bloodlines are "shit," making them "inherently criminal."

To be fair, you also stated that America was "taken over by criminals and thieves" -- by which I suppose you mean the colonial revolutionaries like Washington, Jefferson, Franklin, etc. who stole everything out from under the good King of England -- so the white bloodline is then equally "shit" and thus their ancestry also "inherently criminal." Nope, no escaping those bloodlines! It's manifest destiny; none of us can escape that, can we... we're doomed to be inferior (to whom, then?). But at least your bigotry has an odd kind of equal-opportunity balance to it -- I'll give you that.

So I'm going to go ahead and share some of your own words which I haven't shared before. This is your response to a discussion about "the criminal mind":

"You know what...that's something that has always fascinated me too, but I chose not to go there. I probably could analyze a lot of it now because of what I know, but when I was young...I was scared I might actually teeter off into some violent behavior by exploring it. I have to say my parents both had very violent tendencies and I think this is why i always chose to go in the other direction. I was a witness to too much of it in the home. I just made a choice and decision not to follow that path.

"The guy who killed John Lennon is one I'm intrigued by, but at the same time very fearful of getting inside of and Charles Manson, to me borders on a genius mind that just got caught up in the system not being more careful. He is indeed a dangerous man, but not because of any violence he'll commit. It's because of his MIND. That's why they locked him up and threw away the key and that's also why they didn't put him on death row. Not because of repealing a law. I think they repealed the law because of him.

"They KNEW he hadn't killed anyone, but he had the POWER to MAKE people kill and that's ten times more dangerous."

Good God. This is very chilling. You exhibit sociopathic behavior, Doug. One of the world's most famous sociopaths is Charles Manson, and you exhibit an admiration of him here, for being "a genius mind that just got caught up in the system." NO Doug -- he was a sociopath! The simple definition of that is this: "A person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience."

I'd dare to say that someone who disregards 99.9% of the population, as you have expressed, could be described as "antisocial." Someone who takes the trouble to describe how women, blacks, whites, gays and so forth are all damaged? Yes... antisocial TO SAY THE LEAST! By posting these thoughts publicly you show little conscience -- and again we remember that each time one of your "crew" spoke against you in some way, you publicly bashed them with little regard for any "friendship" they thought you shared with them.

As someone who entered this little community with a stated AGENDA to "exploit the sheeple" (and how do you do that, according to your mentor? LIE to them!) and as you announced you were about to embark on a project to "make some things happen," and your little MJ-hoax-related video channel by all appearances IS that project -- you are now exposed to the light.

You know, I keep fielding arguments that AMSI isn't Doug, that AMSI is really a woman... you know what? It doesn't matter so much. I still do believe very much that they are one and the same. But what matters IS that the Doug/AMSI dynamic is very much a collaboration -- whether "with himself" or with some other person. As I've pointed out, AMSI made a distinct point of calling out Doug as "one to listen to," and Doug, even while privately telling people that AMSI is "absolutely not Michael Jackson" and he confirmed this himself -- still states with conviction that AMSI is "close to his situation" without any hint of doubt. That everyone should listen to what he says, i.e., WILL SAY, before Doug would even know what it is. Doesn't this seem a tiny bit strange to anyone, that someone would so fully vouch for someone's words who, in his opinion, isn't even WHO HE SAYS HE IS?

Thus the importance of revealing just who DOUG is -- the one vouching for this AMSI to a "crew" of people he's taken pains to collect while dubbing himself their "captain." The cook and "filmmaker" Steven C. Douglas of Detroit, Michigan, who once made a "film" with a video camera which took him some ten years to make and whose "best clips" which he posted to YouTube display no notable artistry nor passion. A film about a guy who loses his job, whose female companion's response is to get a job as a stripper. A situation which admittedly is not outside the realm of possibility -- but as creator, we have to wonder WHY Doug would want to tell this particular dark story laced with pessimism about human nature as the kind of "TRUTH" he embraced so fully -- the guy who sees life in terms of "pimps and ho's," either you're a pimp, or you're a ho.

Doug, if you think I'm essentially wrong about this characterization, I challenge you then to post your film so people can see where you're really coming from. If there is some hidden artistry which wasn't apparent in the clips you chose to share, then by all means, let us all see it! If there is some uplifting message there about people overcoming their circumstances to yet thrive, rather than one which says "people are miserable beings who have little chance to experience joy and thrive," then yes, do share.

I just don't see how someone can look at "the whole Doug" and see what it is you have conveyed so heavily these last few years on one hand -- and see someone who is really trying to convey "the wonder of Michael Jackson" and share his optimism about humanity. This is the thing -- you are taking Michael Jackson and painting him as the same thing you are -- someone entirely disenchanted with humanity; so much that he had to get away from it, but would be happy to come onto Twitter and proclaim that disenchantment so fully.

AMSI fits so neatly into what you've expressed so far. He ALSO benefits by you having a "crew" whom you encourage to promote him, too. By swiping his identity and using it to complement your agenda, you try to steal a piece of his power to use for... for what? To make people believe our President is a bad guy? To make people believe the Jacksons are money-grubbing leeches who were jealous of and hated Michael? To even make people believe that there is some evil, secret society out there making bad things happen to people? (Which you actually ADMIRE?) To even make Michael himself into a HYPOCRITE who said one thing "while alive" but who will say something very different now??

AMSI behaves as a sociopath too. The Michael Jackson we all know, from some forty years of exposure to him, is someone who tended to AT LEAST give people the benefit of the doubt and who rarely ever used his platform to spit out negativity. This AMSI regularly battles people who simply don't see how he could be Michael Jackson just because he says he is, even if he seems to know a lot about him (and in this community -- who doesn't?). AMSI tells these people they should be beaten, they should be fought, they have a "stinky ass," they deserve to be regarded as the enemy, etc. etc. You know, AMSI has even blocked people who had a problem with you, Doug; people who had not even communicated with him. Isn't that odd? But mostly, for him to show he's NOT a sociopath -- he would be happy to clear up the misunderstanding. If he wants to prove he's Michael Jackson, he has dozens of ways he could do so. And he's even said he wanted to prove it; here's an example:

"@ASMICHAELSAYSIT: I am disappointed how my endeavour to prove to you I am alive has been exploited by some to gain their own agendas.mj 9:38 AM Jun 7th"

THEN WHY DOESN'T HE? If he WANTS to prove who he is -- he could. But he doesn't. Instead he allows people to bicker and fight over him -- which he even seems to gleefully enjoy. He could solve this in an instant -- if he wanted to.

So if anyone reading this still doesn't like the idea that Doug is AMSI but is perhaps someone else -- don't let that detract from what it is I'm pointing out here. They are joined at the hip, at the very least. AMSI has spent more time typing to "stick up for Doug" than he has for anyone else, even so many others who have "taken a bullet" for him. I post a blog about Doug, there's AMSI blabbing away, while Doug silently sulks behind his blocked accounts. Interesting, isn't it?

I remind everyone once again that AMSI said, a month or so before he began doing "TP sessions," quite plainly that telepathy isn't something he could do with people -- that he could do it with animals and spirit beings.

This is one of the most manipulative things AMSI has done. He says he can't do it, but then invites people who also mostly have never done anything like this in their lives, to try it with him -- based on his own expertise, WHICH HE SAID HE DIDN'T HAVE! So these faithful followers, who desperately want to communicate with Michael Jackson, try their best to imagine that they are. Their imaginations have already allowed them to believe he's here on Twitter -- so why wouldn't their imaginations also allow them to believe he's INSIDE THEIR HEAD? And in the aftermath, there are people telling that they couldn't get him OUT of their head after the TP -- like he had demonically possessed them. The imagination can be extremely powerful, and AMSI is exploiting that.

The bastard even backs off on his word that he's not going to do any more TP sessions... and invites people to do more anyway. He promises to come back and doesn't, over and over and over again. No matter who this is -- he's someone who has clearly shown he CANNOT be taken at his word.

Doug, you're intrigued by the John Lennon fan who killed John Lennon. That man believed HE was John Lennon -- so he had to get rid of the other one. Meanwhile, you've said you feel that a "power from higher up" has anointed YOU to speak for Michael Jackson. Back then, you meant "through your videos," but even then you had claimed the God-given "right" to speak for him. It is not a stretch to consider that you continue to feel you have that "right" and are using it in the form of AMSI.

You're intrigued by the mind of Charles Manson, the sociopath who collected dozens of followers and was able to get them to do whatever he wanted them to. And we're supposed to ignore that admiration in light of your own efforts to be the leader of a group of followers you've collected yourself? While you have your "collaborator" AMSI over there often talking about our President being a murderer and so many other things? If you've studied Charles Manson, then you KNOW he had two women he had so fully brainwashed, go out and try to assassinate the President!!

You talk of how people are cursed by their bloodlines, being descended from "criminals and thieves," and you then tell of your own parents having violent tendencies? Doug, either someone has the power to be an individual and set his own fate and determine his own thinking -- or he's cursed by his "bloodline" and thus, as you say, "inherently criminal." I don't buy into the bloodline thing at all, but I do know we are partially a product of our own environment -- unless we consciously make ourselves socially aware and strive to overcome the negativity we faced as little ones. Many people whose parents were abusive, become abusive parents too. Yet other victims of abuse become activists against it and help others who have faced it. Is there ANY choice in the matter, or is it simply manifest destiny, Doug?

By your choice to share what you have on the DJ Hives site and then on your own, you've proven yourself to be antisocial. Not someone who is part of any solution; just someone who desires to complain about society's ills and perhaps to jump in and loot what you can out of it; take advantage of those whom no one has helped to rise above. You even said it yourself, "DIE, SHEEPLE, DIE!" I posted it in my blog.

Nope, you're not here now, fully rehabilitated from that very dark and troubling point of view, ready to help others rise above their circumstances. Instead you want your followers to keep finding negative signs of things in the news, many which involve the numbers 27 and 14, numbers YOU picked yourself for whatever reason (to establish yourself as a prophet?) -- signs which point to "end times" which would necessitate the arrival of a Messiah in Michael Jackson. Apparently, the same Michael Jackson who just told someone they have a stinky ass, who told someone else she deserved to be beaten like an old potato sack.

If you had any social conscience, you would NOT be endorsing this perverted version of Michael Jackson. And if AMSI were Michael Jackson, I cannot imagine he would continue to endorse YOU after seeing your massive hatred of most of society displayed clearly on the DJ Hives site and your own spinoff "Truthholder" blog.

So, that being said, yes! Let me share my own TP "vision," the scene I received whild Doug was receiving his own scene about two mundane people having a mundane conversation about God knows what; something about music. Doug, you should have had those people walking on the sidewalk as they spoke -- because it was very pedestrian!

As I tried to access this vision, I did try to see if there was any "Michael Jackson" element there -- but sadly, I didn't see it at all. As I attempted to psychically tap into the energy -- here is the cinematic scene which played out:


Doug is asleep in his bed. His body is slightly skewed; one arm lazily dangling off the side; feet exposed from his too-small blanket. Scattered remnants of popcorn and Ho-Ho wrappers alongside him seemingly come to life as he awakens with a jolt and a pained grunt.


Oh! Man. Whatta dream.

He yawns and stretches as several pieces of snack debris leap suicidally from the bed in the wake of his movement. Doug vigorously shakes his head, then slaps himself across the cheek. He scoops up several Ho-Ho wrappers, stares at them momentarily, then tosses them over his shoulder, back onto the bed.


Maybe I should switch to Twinkies.

He slides his legs out from beneath the covers and his feet simultaneously greet the wooden floor with a meaty thud. He neatly rubs the sleep crust from his eyes with his thumbs and then regards something on the floor. He leans forward and retrieves a crumpled pair of underwear, which he holds up to the light of his dresser lamp's naked bulb for inspection. He shrugs.


Eh, good enough.

He quickly slips them on under his blanket and rises, snapping the elastic with both thumbs. Behind him, the bed bears a large pear-shaped indentation of his form. He looks down at his ponderous stomach and proudly hefts it with both hands, shakes it vigorously, then lets go and slaps it loudly.


Oh ho, the things we've done together! Well, there's lots more in store for us both, just you wait.


(Rumbles in agreement)


Ah, hahaha. Don't worry my friend, you have much to look forward to. I just have to get to the 7-11. Soon, my pretty!

He rubs his stomach reassuringly, then a Super Big Gulp cup on his dresser catches his eye. He picks it up and gives the straw several strong sucks, but only finds a few noisy droplets of liquid. Removing the lid, he holds the cup upside down above his head to inspect it. Several remaining drops fall straight into his eye; he yelps and rears back.


Ow! Hey, quit it, you little rascals! Haha. Ninety nine cent refill, here we come! But first....

He tosses the cup onto his bed and raises an index finger...


Gotta take care of some important business.

He reaches inside his dresser drawer and stirs its contents, finally retrieving a worn, rolled-up copy of the National Enquirer. He plods into the bathroom, slamming the door. The view shifts to the digital display of his bedside clock which reads: 10:39 The clock's digits begin advancing at a rapid pace and finally rest on: 11:53.

(SFX: Toilet flushing)

The door opens and Doug, looking exactly the same, emerges, stretches triumphantly, and yawns as he crosses to a small computer desk and sits down. Once there, he reaches down, grabs his right leg and, with some effort, manages to pull it up atop his other leg. He then grabs his foot firmly with his left hand.


I've got you, Mister Foot!

He shakes the index finger of his other hand at his big toe, as though scolding it...


I'm gonna GET YOU! I'm gonna SCHOOL YOU! You, and your little friends too! Bahahaha!

As he makes this pronouncement, he taps each smaller toe one at a time for emphasis and then flexes them, making them wiggle as though squirming nervously in fear. He loudly stomps his foot back down to the floor and grabs his crud-encrusted computer mouse and shakes it, causing his display monitor to wake from its slumber. He then interlaces the fingers of both hands and points his palms outwards, effecting several small popping noises as his knuckles crack.



He picks up a pencil with his left hand while working the mouse with his right. He stabs a few keys with the pencil's eraser end, then notices a plate just to the side with a bit of remaining, dried sandwich crust on it. He grabs it and shoves it into his mouth. As he chews, a sly smile creeps across his face.


You "people" will never know what hit you.

He grabs a second pencil and with an intense, wild-eyed look, works the keyboard with both of them, then stops to inspect his output on the screen. He leans back and uses his index finger to triumphantly poke the "enter" button. He breaks into a grin, tossing the pencils to one side, and again grabs his belly with both hands as he leans back, laughing maniacally.



He stops suddenly, grabbing his neck as he begins noisily coughing up bits of the sandwich crust. Flailing, he nearly topples from his chair, but catches himself. Gasping for breath, he recovers and resumes his position...



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