Some true facts for your consideration. Be very careful of manipulators that are deceiving you about John Branca, MJ Estate Executor. You have to think why, WHY are these people trying to deceive you? (I will not mention any names, the guilty will reveal themselves once this post goes up)

Well they get favors from him to illegally sell official MJ Merchandise, which in fact is stealing from Prince, Paris and Blanket, they get all expenses paid round trips. Basically they are bought off, $$$ which are not accounted for in status updates to the probate court. What they are doing is a crime, of course we can report this crime to the "Gate Keeper" MJ Estate. Its only him we can report this to, which many have, but he has done nothing about it.

Prince, Paris and Blanket, and if you care, Mrs Jackson are victims of theft! That being said lets look at what it is these fakes/plants/moles lead you to believe. Then look at the evidence for yourself to see if what they say is actually "TRUE"

These "Fakes" as i call them, will of course do all the justice work, they will mingle in amongst the true die hard fans of Michael, they will tell you just how much they love him and die for him,, yeah right. They are very good at posting the most wonderful words on their timeline.. BUT let their actions speak louder then their words and you be the judge.

They take advantage of you, actually think you are complete and utter idiots.

Without going into the history of the lies perpetuated by them, i will just give you couple examples here.

1. "John Branca cared so much for Michael, he sent an email to AEG asking them to care for Michael, as he was concerned"

2. "John Branca is filing numerous motions to protect Michaels medical INFORMATION"

1. If John Branca really cared about Michael, he would have accepted an invitation to his funeral, or even the Memorial, whilst MILLIONS around the world would have given anything to be in LA on those days, John Branca did not give a damn. Would you have turned down an invitation to MICHAEL JACKSONS funeral?

If MJ did hire Branca on June 17th 09. Branca would have been going through the "Slave contract" with AEG(Which no one disputes, just google it) to see how he could put things right. OR as an attorney do his job, to update himself of what was going on, bear in mind when Michael was killed, the show was about to go to London within days, Branca would have still been on holiday!

If Branca really cared about Michael, he would not be sitting in Mexico, on the beach with Margarita. HE WOULD HAVE BEEN WITH HIM, How many of you, if you saw the state Michael was in and had access wouldn't?

Come on, would you be sending an email, well actions speak louder then words, and there were no actions on Brancas side.

And when Michael was Murdered, how many of you wouldn't rush to his side, (if you were able to) well Mr Branca stayed in Mexico to finish his vacation!!!

2. If John Branca cared so much about Michaels "medical information,"(INFORMATION, NOT RECORDS) the one thing he would have done is to make sure his autopsy photos were not made public at the Murray trial, photos that still hunt many of us to this day!!!!!! And there was a whole lot he could have done, i am just mentioning ONE.

Branca made absolutely no attempts at all during Murray trial to file ONE motion! Wonder why now???


We have a whole LOOOOONG list of other true facts, backed by Michaels own words against this crook.. which you can see on our site

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