
-- · @0_peek_a_boo_

13th Apr 2013 from TwitLonger

@LAMJ_SNARL ok, you're here, on a public network, blatantly stating that you're Michael Jackson, so you're not afraid, you've already gone public, you've nothing to hide, so c'mon, go on webcam, protect those here that you claim to love, end their pain instead of sitting there typing an apology to them for the anxiety your presence causes

they may say you don't need to prove anything for them, but do you not feel you owe it to them? are you happy knowing the hurt you cause them? does it make you smile?

and lets not forget obligations offline .. you're here giggling and heehee ing, encouraging your "snarl suckers" to engage in a silly spamming war, while an innocent man sits in prison, accused of your death, you smile over this too?

you laugh at the pain, of your family, your children, yet doing absolutely nothing to help

"we must have justice" you say .. then prove it

if, inside, you're even a quarter of the person you claim to be then c'mon, WEBCAM, your apology, don't just throw words on a screen!

you got the guts to do it? .. I KNOW MICHAEL WOULD!!

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