
Tony Foote · @TheUpperFoot

11th Apr 2013 from TwitLonger

@undermj @Chelley7 @_V_element @MCristinaBaldin @Thriller_Wolf @ASDORASAYSIT @MichelleLOVEMJ ‏@CaduceusDragon et al...

Vale, I don't believe I have criticized your intellect. I try to stay direct and on-point without the distraction of insults. Maybe you've noticed I am accused of all types of things (as I mentioned your SIM team has done on your forum), I am called a liar; I want to spread rumors. I'm a little confused by this, because when I post, I usually give examples of what I'm talking about.

So I don't think you're stupid. In your forum you express some complex ideas and thoughts, and you handle yourself pretty well with translating between languages -- even if using Google translate, there's some thinking involved. But I do have to say, I don't see how you missed my point so completely at the start of my last message!

I began by talking about how this is not about someone's right to their belief in something. I am trying to display here how AMSI could not possibly be Michael Jackson. That when you see someone who seems to believe something that is wrong, that you SHOULD try to intervene. If you see your grandmother about to give her money to a slick salesman, she feels good about it because he's "such a nice young man" and has been complimenting her and TRYING to make her feel good about him. But you've seen his type before -- you know he just wants her money. So despite her "belief," you step in and say something; you try to tell her no, Grandma, he's NOT just some nice young man -- he's trying to SCAM you!

The example with Clare wasn't SUPPOSED to be about Snarl. The case in point was that she believed a Twitter handle to be the famous Joe Jackson, and she was wrong. Someone needed to say something. She was attacking that guy because she thought it was Michael's father. That was the point -- someone needed to stop her from doing something wrong. It was not about her "right to believe" that that account was the REAL Joe Jackson. She was wrong.

And then relating to AMSI -- she was doing that JUST AFTER AMSI had posted a Twitlonger accusing Joe and Randy of setting him up for molestation charges back in 1993. If you can't see how this can get out of control from this little example, then maybe you're just not even TRYING to understand the problem.

"Intellect" has little to do with one's willingness to understand. Despite SO MUCH evidence to the contrary, you continue to insist that AMSI is MJ. Despite so much LOGIC that goes against it. And, despite the idea that someone performing such an impersonation REALLY COULD hurt people with it -- you accept it "on faith" and on very little evidence, other than the words of someone who just made a Twitter account and who seems to know a good many things about Michael Jackson.

It doesn't bother you, how many things he's said which go against what most of us feel to be true about Michael Jackson? The idea about the vitiligo -- it doesn't matter if MJ did or didn't have it or what his motivations were for lightening his skin. The point is, the real MJ said ON CAMERA that he had it, and AMSI came along and said he was lying, that he did it for "HollyWood." Do you really think Michael Jackson felt a need to "go along with Hollywood" to get work???

It doesn't bother you at all that this AMSI recently named off three other men as the "real" fathers of his kids and declared himself to be basically just their Godfather now? That he criticizes Paris in his Twitter feed? That he says things like that he never loved Debbie Rowe? Why would he feel the need to share this ON TWITTER?

It doesn't bother you that he said he could NOT do telepathy with humans -- and then later suddenly decided that he COULD? And if he's so good at it, why did he need all the women following him to post their pictures? Imagine if he's NOT MJ but just some creep -- who wants to see what these women look like who he has all wrapped up and giving him such love?

It doesn't bother you at all how AMSI keeps making little adjustments to how he speaks as this goes along? Remember how MJVIVA used to refer to himself in the third person, sometimes even saying someone else was typing his answers? Then he switched to ASMICHAELSAYSIT and mostly stopped saying "Michael" and instead saying "I" or "me" and so forth. And he almost always typed "mj" at the end of every tweet.

EXCEPT when one day, he tweeted at three people -- I think Paris, LaToya and Jermaine -- he even called Paris "princess" -- and he DROPPED the little "mj" there! Do you remember that?

After he was suspended and came back with a new name, he was more careful. He placed in his profile that the account is a parody -- something like, "The best MJ parody you'll ever find." Later he kept trying to make this seem smaller until it finally said "parody mj." So he's been really careful to try to avoid being suspended again by avoiding saying outright that he IS Michael. He depends on his followers to keep telling people that he is. And lately he's also stopped saying "I" and referring to himself in the third person again, saying "Michael does this" and so forth. Except, when he blocked his account to do his TP session recently -- he stated clearly, "Hello, I am Michael Jackson."

And I've been here to tell you that the Michael Jackson Estate has been responsible for shutting down that account. They are VERY hard to get any action out of! They usually don't act until they have enough information to make it painfully obvious that someone is doing an impersonation. And you talk about Twitter -- they refuse to act on anyone's impersonation complaint EXCEPT someone who is fully authorized to act -- the person himself, or their authorized representative. Twitter really does not want to cancel accounts. But they will when it seems to be really necessary.

So Michelle wants to see the letters from the estate? I've shared parts of these before, but I will share what I received from them back in October when the original AMSI account was finally suspended.

You'll see from the first letter they expressed concern BUT ALSO a type of dismissiveness. When they said to me: "The Estate, unfortunately, cannot be held responsible for followers who choose to believe anything other than the reality that Michael has passed." -- that got me pissed off! They've had people writing to them about this account for months and months, and this seemed to be their attitude -- like they don't think it's their problem. Well, sure, they can think that. That's why I posted too, that this isn't so much their "problem" as it is OURS, because "we" are letting people like this have this freedom within the community. "WE" are the ones responsible for fake MJs, because "we" keep feeding them and encouraging them. But, the Estate is really the only entity that can actually take the necessary action!

So I wrote back to them, expressing my displeasure over this response, and I also gave them more information. The next day, they wrote back to tell me that the account was suspended. So if you want to keep on thinking that Viva/AMSI/Snarl IS Michael Jackson -- you do so knowing that many people are pissed off about it, that many beLIEvers DO NOT believe HIM, and you do so knowing that the man's own estate actually DID request that he be suspended because he is NOT Michael Jackson.

AMSI has said that he IS in control of things -- he makes you think that he is still calling the shots and making decisions. If he can't even keep one twitter account open... that's not a very powerful Michael Jackson, is it.

A little more insight: The "MJ Online Team" is under the direct authority of the Estate, and is actually a separate management company -- they are Michael Jackson's Estate's official manager. They have made it clear that any action by them is under direct authority of the Estate, and they respond to letters I sent to the Estate.

So okay, here are the two letters I received:

Oct. 17, 2012


Lindsay here, from the MJ Online Team. Your most recent email has been forwarded to the MJ Online Team with a request that we respond on the Estate’s behalf. As we previously stated, we handle online fan communications on behalf of the Co-Executors and would appreciate your directing your inquiries to us.

With regards to your concerns about Twitter: as we have stated previously, the appropriate parties have been made aware of this account.

Furthermore, both the @michaeljackson and @mjonlineteam accounts are Twitter verified, which should be an immediate indication that those accounts are authentic while the one you have reported is not. The Estate, unfortunately, cannot be held responsible for followers who choose to believe anything other than the reality that Michael has passed.


Lindsay Cole

The Official Online Team of the Michael Jackson Estate™

Oct. 18, 2012


Per our previous messages, we are again responding on behalf of the Estate.

The MJ Online Team handles all online inquiries and information from fans - whether it is fan mail or other inquiries such as alerts regarding infringements.

The Twitter handle in question,, has been suspended. We are monitoring other handles which could be impersonating Michael Jackson. We thank you for your vigilance and concern, and also appreciate your directing future concerns to us, and not to the Estate.


Lindsay Cole

The Official Online Team of the Michael Jackson Estate™

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