[Trans @bornfreeonekiss] where are you from, from higo, where in higo, from Kumamoto, where in Kumamoto, From Senba, in the mountains of Senba, there is a raccoon, it was shot with a gun by a hunter, who cooked it, then roasted it, and ate it, with leaves from a tree, he covered it~ Ha eung RT @bornfreeonekiss: あんたがったどっこさ、ひごさ、ひごどっこさ、くまもとさ、くまもとどこさ、せんばさ、せんばやまにはたぬきがおってさ、それを漁師が鉄砲でうってさ、煮てさ、焼いてさ、食ってさ、それを木の葉でちょっとかぶせ~~~♪ウフン☆

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