
요한 · @elbowyeish

7th Apr 2013 from TweetCaster

항상 주변에 감사한분들이 많이 계셔서 제가 더빛날수있고 우리가 더빛나는것같아요 .
한분한분께 한마디씩 다 전해드릴순없지만 그 소중한 노력과 마음은 잊지않고 감사하겠습니다~혹시 이글을 읽고 본인이라생각하시는 분들이 계신다면 바로 당신입니다.감사해요^^

JJ's Translation:

There's always people I'm so thankful to around us that help me shine brighter and us shine brighter together. Although I cant thank these people individually one by one... I will never forget their relentless (precious) effort and heart. If whoever is reading this and maybe thinking... " hmmm.. i wonder if he's talking to me?"... then YES! You're exactly the person that I'm talking about! ^^

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