@RobViper Attendance was very good almost at 90% César has good pictures of the crowd on his twitter.
In my opinion best match was 1 Parejas Increibles, 2 First & Second, 3 Main, 4 Especial 5 Women's hair match.
Felino & his sons are a great Team they should be together so often.
Mascara Dorada has the ability of correct some mistakes on the air.
Thanks God a great desition Rayo Universo wasn't singles, Rayo jr. (my old idol) is as slower as his father was a fun match because their partners.
Main wasn't completly good as other matchs they've had first two falls was just good, but last fall was worthy audience didn't completly connect with them but they made a great last fall & final
Rey cometa "mistakes" hitting Stuka wich provocates a discussion and some pushes between them makes everybody doubt about a logical final giving a big possibility to the Japanese ones.
Amapola just try to make looks good Estrellita by putting down her lucha quality even so nobody shares Estrellita win, she is so lame.
Semi was a great complete match two different styles with great performers

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