
Honeydew · @honeydewname

27th Feb 2013 from Twitlonger

[Fanacc trans] 130227 TLJ (7) ㅡ

Hyuk: This... please put it in your pocket! (when paying)
Fan: But my pocket is full....
Hyuk: Um.... then... put it in your bag, can?
Fan: Okay!

//good example, reduce plastic bag use! ^^bbbb


A fan brought a gift for Hyukmom, so after she told Hyuk that, Hyuk turned to look at the back and kept calling out "omma-ah~~~", his tone of voice is so cute!!

[cr 익명]


Fan: Did you play the game that I gave you last time well?
Hyuk: That, I left it at home the other day..
Fan: I came to make sure of this
Hyuk: I'm telling you, I was trying to play it..
Fan: You have to play it everyday
Hyuk: Okay. I shall go home and find it
Fan: It's my love
Hyuk: Thank you, it's an awesome gift.

//lol this gift he received on Valentine's Day https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BDEkbxPCQAAfUml.jpg:large in which he was so excited and happy when he got it.

[cr hyoaeng]

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