I started playing Adventure Quest back in 2005. I was born with Cerebral Palsy so I could not really engage in any physical activities like the other kids my age so instead I spent most of my time in front of the computer. I eventually learned about Adventure Quest and I was instantly hooked. I remember I would wait for server slots to open up so that I could log in but eventually some really kind anonymous person made me into a guardian. This got me even more engrossed in the game and I never really stopped playing since then. In short, Adventure Quest kept me company during all those lonely times when I couldn’t play with the other kids.
It also allowed me to enter a fictional world where my disability did not matter and I was as good as anyone else. I was equally as important and best of all I could be the hero of this world. It allows me to momentarily forget all my problems in my life and helps me cope with my disability so I think it has helped shape the person I am today. For all these things, I am truly grateful.

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