~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Two Days Later,At Sonic Boom~~~~~~~~~~~~
Austin,Dez:*Playing the X-Box*
Austin:*Playing*Eat some slime you evil zombie!
Trish,Ally:*Walks in*Guys,we have great news!
Dez:*Still Playing*Not now girls.We're about to beat the boss & Finally win this game!
Ally:This will only take a min-
Dez,Austin:*Playing*Die Die Die
Trish:*Rolls her eyes*Leave it to me Ally.*Walks over to the cable switch & cut its off*
--------------------T.V. Turns off--------------------
Austin,Dez:*Glares At Trish*Hey!
Austin:We were so close from winning!
Dez:Yea! All thoses years practicing to win this year & I was soooooooooo close!
Trish:Guys stop whining & Listen to my important announcement
Austin:*Sad*What can be more important than winning Zaliens 6?
Austin,Dez:*Looks at Each other then at the girls in shock*WHAT?!
Austin:*Smiles Big*Please tell me this isn't just a silly joke made up by Trish.
Ally:*Smiles Big*It's not,You're going on a world tour Austin! *Hugs him*
Austin:*Hugs her back*I-I can't believe it.
Ally:*Looks at Austin*Thank Your manager Trish & Daniel for this.They made the phone calls,did all the work & Well you should mostly thank Daniel.
Trish:True *Sits down*
Dez:Austin this is huge! You're going on a world tour! Happy Dance time *Starts Dancing*
Ally,Trish:*Starts laughing*
Austin:*Smiles & Then realized something*Wait,what about you guys? Team Austin is coming with me on the world tour right?
Ally,Trish:*Looks at Each other worried then at Austin*
Austin:*Confused*Ally,Trish,What haven't you guys tell me yet?
Ally:Austin.Daniel said that they only want you for the world tour not Team Austin
Austin:*Shocked*What?! You guys have to come with me! We're a team!
Trish:We know Austin but that's what Daniel said & He pretty much got you the tour.
Austin:How long will I be gone?
Daniel:(This is him: https://twimg0-a.akamaihd.net/profile_images/1417842205/IMG_2135-01.jpg )About 8-9 months the max.I tried shorting it more but that's all I could do.
Austin:*Sighs*I don't know guys.I don't think I can go on a world tour without Team Austin.
Ally:Austin don't give up this big opportunity for us.We'll be fine,we promise.
Daniel:Yea Austin.This is a one in a life chance opportunity.Isn't this what you wanted when you were younger? To become really famous.
Daniel:Well here is your chance,don't give it up.
Austin:*Thinks*You're right,this is a one in a chance opportunity but *Looks at Ally,Trish,Dez*Are you sure you guys are gonna be ok with me leaving?
Ally,Dez,Trish:*Fake Smiles & Nods*Totally.
Austin:*Looks at Daniel & Smiles*We'll time for Austin Moon to go on a world tour.
Daniel:Awesome! We leave tomorrow for our flight.They wanted today but I tried changing their minds so you can at least go to your brother's wedding.
Austin:Um Thanks.....I guess I should get packing.*Gives Ally a quick kiss on the lips*See you guys later,Bye *leaves*
Daniel:I should get packing too.Bye guys *leaves*
Ally:*Frowns a bit*I should go home & get ready for the wedding.Bye guys *Leaves*
Dez:*Frowns*She's sad,isn't she?
Trish:*Frowning*Yup but like she said,she doesn't want to ruin Austin's huge chance.
Dez:*Sad*I'm gonna miss him.
Trish:*Sad,Sighs*Me too.
~~~~~~~~~~~Later That Day,With Ally & Vanessa~~~~~~~~
Vanessa:*Wearing: http://www.dreambridaldress.com/2008/wedding_dress/ess08/ess08030.jpg *So how do I look?
Vanessa:*Smiles*Thanks.So Austin's going on a world tour huh?
Ally:*Sad but doesn't show it*Yup.I'm happy for him.
Vanessa:*Knows something's up*You sure Ally?
Ally:*Fake Smiles*Yea totally
Vanessa:*Knows she's lying but let's it go*Ok.
Lester:*Walks in*How's the most beautiful bride doing?
Vanessa:*Smiles*Good.Alittle nervous
Lester:*Looks at Vanessa*Don't be.You look beautiful
Vanessa:*Smiles*Thanks dad.
Ally:*Smiles*Well let's go get you marry
Vanessa:*wraps her arm around Lester's arm*Let's go.
~~~~~~~~~~~~With Riker & Austin, At The Church~~~~~~~
Riker:*Smiling*Wow I can't believe today's the big day huh Austin.
Austin:*Not paying attention*
Riker:*Smirks*Oh is that Ally with Elliot holding hands?
Austin:*Snaps out of it*Where?!!
Riker:*Chuckles*I'm just joking.Hey,what's wrong? You seem out of it today.
Austin:*Lies*Oh nothing.
Riker:*Knows he's lying*Austin
Austin:*Sighs*It's just about my world tour,but let's forget about that.Today is about you & Vanessa
Riker:You sure?
Austin:Yea *Smiles*
Riker:*Smiles*Ok.Oh and let's not forget that it's also about you & Ally.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wedding Music Starts Playing~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Walks in wearing: http://www.21shoppers.com/upload/item/e/7a24e1c47e3fc1045306278e55b76445.jpg *
Austin:*Looks at her & Smiles*(Wow Ally looks beautiful)
Vanessa:*Walks in with her arm around Sean's & Holding White Flowers*
Riker:*Looks at Her & Smiles*
Ally,Vanessa,Lester:*Walks to the front*
Ally:*Stands next to Austin,Smiles*
Lester:*Looks at Riker & Smiles*I Lester Dawson trust you Riker Moon to take care of my daughter.You're a very special guy Riker *Hugs Him*
Riker:*Smiles & Hugs Back*Thanks Lester.
Lester:*Hands Laura to Ross & Sits down*
Ranessa:Smiles at each other & Looks at the priest*
Priest:Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this company, to join together this Man and this Woman in holy Matrimony; which is an honourable estate, instituted of God, signifying unto us the mystical union that is betwixt Christ and his Church..If any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace.Very well,Do you Riker Moon take Vanessa Dawson to be your beloved wife,To love & To care until death separates you two?
Riker:*Smiles At Vanessa*I do.
Priest:And do you Vanessa Dawson take Riker Moon to be your beloved husband,to Love & To care until death separates you two?
Vanessa:*Smiles At Riker*I do.
Priest:By the power invested by me,I now pronounce you Husband & Wife.You may kiss the bride.
Riker:*Kisses Vanessa*
Vanessa:*Kissses back*
Everyone:*Starts Clapping*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At The Party~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Everyone:*Talking with each other*
Riker:*On stage*Um excuse me everyone.
Everyone:*Stays Silent & Looks at Riker*
Riker:I would like to thank everyone for coming to Vanessa's & My wedding.So thank you.
Trish:*Bored*The first dance!
Trish:*Smiles & Puts on a slow song*
Riker:*Walks over to the dancefloor with Vanessa & Starts dancing*
Vanessa:*Dancing & Smiling*
Ally:*Looking at them dance*Aw they look so cue together.
Vanessa:*Takes the mic*Um i know today is My wedding with Riker but we would like for my sister & Riker's brother to come to the dancefloor
Auslly:*Looks at each other confused,Walks over to the dancefloor*
Riker:*Smiles*Happy 2 years Anniversary guys.
Dez:*Puts on another slow song*
Austin:*Looks at Ally & Smiles*Can i have this dance?
Ally:*Smiles*You may *Walks over to the dancefloor & Starts dancing*
Vanessa:*Looks at them & Smiles*
Trish:*Lets a tear fall & Takes a quick picture*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Later That night~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Talking to Trish*
Random Guy:*Walks over to them*Um is any of you,Ally Dawson?
Ally:*Confused*Yea that's me.
Random Guy:Here you go *Gives her a letter & Then leaves*
Ally:*Looks at the letter* "Meet me at Sonic boom,at the practice room.Love you ~Your one & Only,Austin" *Smiles*Aw.
Trish:I wonder why he wants you to meet him at the practice room
Ally:Yea i wonder too.Well i better go then.See you later Trish *Hugs her*
Trish:Bye Ally *Smiles*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At Sonice Boom~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Walks inside & Sees a path of roses heading to the practice room,Smiles & starts following it* *Walks in the practice room*Oh my gosh.
Austin:*With a rose in his hand,smiling*Welcome Ally.
Austin:*Gives her the rose & Smiles*Happy 2 years anniversary.
Ally:*Smiles & Gives him a quick kiss on the cheek*Wow,did you plan all of this?
Austin:Yea & With alittle help of Trish.
Ally:*Smiles*You're the best you know that.
Austin:Yea I heard *Smiles*
Ally:Well let's enjoy this amazing food then *Smiles*
Austin:*Smiles*Lets.*Sits on the blanket on the flooor with Ally*
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After A While~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ally:*Laughing*And remember that time when Dez got the pie all over his face & alittle in his pants.
Austin:*Laughing*Yea.Good times.
Ally:*Giggles*Yea.*Remembers about Austin's world tour & Frowns a bit*
Austin:*Notcie her frowning*Hey,what's wrong?
Ally:Oh nothing.
Ally:*Sighs*Well tomorrow you're going on your world tour for like 8-9 months & today is our last day together *Looks down & Frowns*
Austin:*Lifts Ally's head up*I promsie that eventhough I might be gone for 8-9 months that we will always have each other.Nothing is gonna change.
Ally:*Smiles A bit*You promise?
Austin:*Smiles*I promise.
Ally:*Smiles*This is why you're the best boyfriend ever.
Austin:*Smiles*And you're the best girlfriend ever.
Ally:*Smiles*I can't believe today's our 2 years anniversary.
Austin:I know.I'm glad I have you in my life *Smiles*
Ally:*Smiles*I love you.
Austin:*Smiles*I love you too *Kisses her*
Ally:*Kisses back*
Austin:*Deepens the kiss*
Ally:*Starts unbuttoning his shirt*
~~~TBC EP 3~~~~

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