[Trans] [Star Q] Hello Venus Lime - loss in foreign country-runaway from home-flight accident 'is my real story'?

Q: Lime says, 'my real story is..'?
1- I once had severe burn all over my body.
2- I once had lost in foreign country.
3- I ran away from home when i was in elementary school.
4- I once had involved in an airplane accident.

(All other members picked the wrong answer; the correct answer is #1)

1- I once had severe burn all over my body.
It was during preschool days i think, I went to tropical areas, i had so much fun playing to the point that i suffered from burn and drainage. I stayed in the hospital for a while and received treatment, i couldn't even go out nor wear clothes.

2- I once had lost in foreign country.
I have never lost in foreign country, just as i expected, the members might pick this answer.

3- I ran away from home when i was in elementary school.
I did runaway from home but it was during middle school instead of elementary school. When i was in middle school, i was a student who really did study well but at that time, i really didn't want to go to a supplementary educational institute so i ran away from home. It was a Spartan institute and I didn't want to go to there because i was scared. So i tried to runaway from house to go to my aunt's house. I desperately asked for her favor, my aunt wondered if it's safe not to call mom, and mom called my friends as many as she could. After that incident, i got scolded by mom.

4- I once had involved in an flight accident.
I didn't involve in an flight accident, but it was closed. I took flights a lot before, but after that incident, it scared me to tears when i took flight to Jeju Island. At that time i had to ride light airplane to go to the island. When the airplane moving, the airplane severely shakes, the flight altitude drops and it was shaking a lot. The memory remains in my head, i'm still scared of riding on a plane.


Trans by: @LimeHV_Zone; special credit to: MJ Kim & Ayu.

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