So a few weeks ago this beautiful teen from UK started tweeting me. Let's call her "Gorgeous". We're talking YOUNG...and she had already quit drugs for 3 years!

She was still drinking, but who am I to say anything?

Finally, her copy of GUTS arrived a few weeks ago.

Yesterday, I got this:

"So now it's nearly 3 weeks of no alcohol, and just over 3 years of no drugs. Your book is a life saver; those true, inspiring words. I am so thankful for GUTS. It's honestly the most inspiring book I've read. I absolutely adore you and how you have faith in everyone. I never thought I'd be able to get through some of the things that have happened in my past. But GUTS has shown things in a new light, and has completely inspired me to live my life without drugs and alcohol. As they say, you don't need these things to have fun. Because of you, I'm starting to believe in myself, because of you, I'm happy with everything in my life, because of you, we have GUTS. You're such a beautiful human being. Thank you so much for absolutely everything. I love you so much."

Well, Gorgeous....I love you so much. And let me tell you are WAY WAY stronger at your very young age than I was for most of my life.

I'm honored to be your friend.
