Followers of this account might have noticed that I've been on away from Twitter since Christmas Eve. This is by design; my beloved bulldog Nino passed away very suddenly on Christmas Day. I have kept off social media while trying to process losing him.

At the risk of sounding hyperbolic, I am doing some reassessing of my life and that includes trying to reassess my self-involvement via social media. As such, I plan on continuing my social media hiatus indefinitely. No one needs to hear what I think about Blackhawk games, Chelsea Wolfe records or whatever. I continue to use Twitter as a news aggregator; I stil believe this to be Twitter's best use.

Because I'm still a self-involved person, I'm posting this largely because I feel self-conscious about having a Django Unchained tweet as my possible final tweet. I guess I'd rather have it be a rambling self-indulgent mess such as this. I'll also include another link to a photo of Nino from last summer:

I am famously terrible at expressing myself, so I will simply say: Nino was the love of my life. I miss him more than I can explain.

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