Doug’uns and Dragons. Detrimentally delusional dung dealers. Demented, darkness-dwelling dingbats.

Let me show y’all something:

mjviva: The trial was the obstacle in the way.Now the path is clear to come out. Join Dmovie page. great clues wait 4 u. MJ aka mjviva 9:52 AM Nov 8th, 2011 from web

mjviva: Dmovie27 page on twitter. follow the clues. MJ aka mjviva 10:28 AM Nov 8th, 2011 from web

mjviva: It's not hard. Ask Dmovie27 to help you.Ask Pearl, Twiggy & TNZ. They will help you. MJ aka mjviva 6:56 PM Nov 14th, 2011 from web

mjviva: Dmovie27, Twiggy, TNZ and Pearl are the pages for guidance. They will relay the news as they will get them in. MJ aka mjviva 10:38 AM Nov 15th, 2011 from web

mjviva: Dmovie27 has some clips for you.Watch them. MJ aka mjviva12:09 PM Nov 16th, 2011 from web

mjviva: If u think Pearl, Twiggy, Dmovie27, Pianogames, TNZ dont know then u r wrong. They do but wait 4 clues 2 b given out by MJ. MJ aka mjviva 7:40 PM Nov 18th, 2011 from web

Early in the feed of “mjviva” (later known as ASMICHAELSAYSIT and a variety of other monikers), on six occasions he pointed to Dmovie27 as being a source of information. He also pointed to Twiggy, Pearl and TNZ – all of whom have clearly stated they have nothing to do with this person. Pearl said, until he proves something, he’s just text. Twiggy said outright: he needs to leave MJ’s fans alone. TMZ makes fun of him on a regular basis. Doug, Dmovie27, however – embraced this “endorsement.”

What a silly endorsement it is, too! “Hi everyone, I’m Michael Jackson! And here’s my friend Doug to give you all some clues about me!” If you’re Michael Jackson – WHY do we need “hoax investigators” to stand by handing out clues? And why “clues”? If that’s you right there, why be coy?

Why make this out to be some sort of a game? Michael Jackson, beloved by millions, DIED on June 25, 2009, as some may have seen reported in the news. Those millions of people grieved the loss of someone they loved; someone who had been a part of their lives since they were children. Millions of people felt as if a shotgun blast had hit them when they heard this news.

Some still remained hopeful. Could he still be alive? They looked for ways for it to be possible. They gravitated toward people online who seemed to offer this comforting thought. Yes! Our Michael is too smart to just die like that. He must be up to something!

So out came the “clues.” And, out came the trolls. What started as people tossing out ideas and observations, turned into a huge mess. Jermaine said he was taken to the “airport” instead of to the “hospital.” Ah-ha, a CLUE! He sings by mistake, “Fill your face with sadness, wipe away all the gladness,” ah-HA! Another CLUE! And so, people turned a bad case of fumblemouth into a cottage industry.

Apparently Jermaine is to be respected when he offers up something like this as an authoritative “clue,” however most of what else he says, the same cluemongers will tell you, is complete dreck.

The trolls came early, and often. “Hee hee, look at mee, I’m hinting at you over here!” The “believer” community has seen dozens of fake MJs and fake “informers” come and go. But each time, the “mythology” of the story of Michael Jackson’s faked death grew a bit. “Clues” were liberally mixed with pure conjecture (i.e. “Conrad Murray was paid millions of dollars for this”), and the question turned to “why?” Yes, why WOULD Michael Jackson fake his death? The sickening part was where people thought he was doing it as a grand joke. Yes, those millions of people who felt pure grief, can enjoy a good belly laugh about all of this, almost four years later. What a cool stunt!

WHY does anyone really think a “faked death” might have happened? If you believe that he did it as a stunt, or to make a point, then SHAME ON YOU. Early on, people were talking about fans committing suicide, which was highly possible. It was documented that some tried to. Regardless of that, the news that Michael died DEEPLY HURT millions of people. If you believe that he faked his death for LESS than any reason worth bringing that much pain to people… then SHAME ON YOU.

If you really need to feel that Michael is out there somewhere alive, then at LEAST give the man enough respect to figure that it WAS an important enough reason. Such as, lives were at stake. NOT that he wanted to pull some P.T. Barnum “Greatest Show on Earth” lalapalooza jamboree. If you feel he faked his death for anything less than the utmost important reason, then the Michael Jackson you profess to care about is a horrible sadist. If any part of that was a stunt, he was a bad, bad, horrible man. Remember, MILLIONS of people were DEEPLY hurt at the news of his death.

So if you’re set to believe he’s still alive anyway – and if you agree that this kind, generous humanitarian soul would never want to bring so much grief and sadness to his fans – then you MUST agree that he would never be on Twitter thumbing his nose at the world. If for one second you believe he’s anywhere on Twitter or on discussion forums – AS HIMSELF – you’re telling me and the rest of the world that you believe Michael Jackson is this sick, twisted, sadistic man who gleefully and willingly brought pain to those millions of people who loved him. THAT IS WHAT IT BOILS DOWN TO.

You believe he faked his death and had a damned good reason for it? Then believe that he is gone for good, absolutely. Maybe one day whatever the problem was, goes away, and he can come out and tell the story (and I tell ya, it better be GOOD!). Go ahead and hope for that day to happen, just so you can comfort yourself that he’s safe and sound. Just don’t expect him to come peering around a corner going “Peek-a-boo!” at you. Don’t go looking for him. Don’t go encouraging others to look for him. Don’t stand around being an audience for people who are looking under rocks for him or are trying to “smoke him out.”

If you believe he faked his death for a damned good reason… then don’t you think he might be, you know, IN DANGER? How can you even stand to watch someone like PearlJr cackling over clues as she tries to expose “the hoax”? If Michael Jackson was your friend, and you knew he was in danger, would you want to see someone out there trying to expose his existence to the world? Why do people happily follow these pied pipers? If Michael Jackson is in danger, HELP PROTECT HIM dammit – this is NOT an Easter egg hunt!

“AMSI” deeply offends me, and he should deeply offend ANYONE who truly cared about Michael Jackson. If you respect Michael Jackson, then you have to respect his death, or his “death.” All of his fans surely realize that he had so many detractors. Then imagine, if you will, those same detractors saying “Eh, it’s just some stunt that crazy Michael Jackson is pulling off. Who can believe that guy? He sleeps in an oxygen chamber; he has a monkey for a pet, he goes to court in his pajamas, so of course he’s a pedophile. Of course he faked his death, too. He’s Wacko Jacko!”

You want to hop on the bandwagon of people who think Michael Jackson is a crazy sonofabitch? Then by all means, you go ahead and believe he’s here talking to you on Twitter, after making MILLIONS OF PEOPLE CRY. That really pisses me off, and it should piss a LOT of people off. If you believe AMSI is Michael Jackson, here to make light of millions of people who mourned his death, here to declare that Michael lied to the world about vitiligo and other things, here to call President Obama a murderer, here to say nasty things about his family… and that he’s here to keep promising over and over again that he’ll return by this date, no, by that date, no, by that date… then you can just GO TO HELL. You believe AMSI is Michael Jackson? Go tell it to those millions of people who cried. Go stand outside his mausoleum and tell it to the people who come by the hundreds every day to sit with him, to be with him.

You sit there defending this complete fraud? You don’t have the common sense to recognize he’s a fraud? Even DOUG said he doesn’t believe that’s Michael Jackson there. I showed you. He said to pay attention to what that person says because they’re close to Michael’s situation. The same guy who said in 2010 that he believes a divine hand is guiding him to “speak FOR Michael Jackson” through his videos. What are his videos? His very first video made fun of fans. His first video series highlighted the worst parts of the Martin Bashir interviews. His next videos, about a dozen of them, were about the movie “Godspell” which had NOT A DAMNED THING to do with Michael Jackson – but Doug tries to make out that it does… why? Because Doug wants to sell the idea that Michael Jackson is Jesus, to be resurrected. HE SAID THAT OUTRIGHT and I linked you all to it. I showed you where he said it again and again. If you stand by and defend Doug – this is what you’re defending.

While those of you who’ve been defending Doug have stood up for him – what has he been doing? He’s sitting over there behind a blocked account handing out more movies to his crew to find “clues” in. Remember, CLUES THAT MICHAEL JACKSON IS COMING BACK AS JESUS. He said a screenwriter is a “chosen one” – that today’s movies are our modern Bible. He absolutely said that. He hasn’t even denied saying that. He said that in print; he typed it himself. That is what he’s selling you – and in so doing, he is trying to show you that he is a prophet. Why is he figuring things numerologically, talking about disasters as though they’re preordained? Why connecting all of this to Michael Jackson? Remember too, he also predicted in early 2010 that a major earthquake would devastate Southern California in late 2010. If you haven’t noticed, it’s now 2013, and Los Angeles still sits with its area code 310, which Doug said was a factor in his numerology.

Doug has gone way past “conspiracy theorist.” He’s been in the realm of the “lunatic fringe” for quite some time now. You think some illuminati conspiracy is behind what happened to Michael Jackson? If you’ve been paying attention to the Publicly Posted Words of Doug, you might have seen he believes the illuminati is BENEVOLENT. That they’re the ones who know what’s going on; the ones who will define the fate of humanity… that they’re the ones who “chose” Michael Jackson. He said that. He said that John Lennon might have been the chosen one, but he became a family man and fell off the track. BUT, he said, Michael’s children are “a mystery.” What mystery? If Michael raised them, they’re his family. Michael Jackson was a family man, too. Patooey on you, Doug, for implying that it’s okay for Michael to become our next Messiah because his children are “a mystery.”

And YOU, CaduceusDragon, Clare, the day after AMSI posted a long diatribe against Michael Jackson’s family, accusing some of them of framing him for molestation, YOU posted your OWN diatribe against Michael Jackson’s family, re-stating the same thing. You claim that his family is mentally abusing you. You called Janet Jackson a bitch and swore to get even with her. You said his family will PAY! She said that, she did, she did. Today she says, gee, I don’t really like Joe, or Randy, or Jermaine – all calm sounding like a peaceful monk spreading peace and love and joy. Clare, you have your own demons to attend to. If the Jacksons even know who you are, it would only be because you have already made threats against them and some security team probably has a photo of you so they can watch for you.

So people don’t like being taken to task for defending AMSI? People don’t like being made fun of for that? Well, let me tell you – expect it. While you defend this fraud, the people whose punches and bullets you’re taking for him, are defending the real Michael Jackson. They’re also trying to protect more innocents from being hurt by him. AMSI exists because you support him. AMSI finds new victims because you support him. People are being hurt because you support him. You are responsible for that. That is why you’re being attacked; that is why you’re being made fun of.

I am just here pointing a lot of things out that ought to be pointed out. LOTS of people were here speaking out against AMSI before I came along. I don’t have a “crew.” Those people who were speaking out against AMSI before, surprise, surprise, they appreciate my efforts here. I’m not going to ask them not to make fun of you or not to post Clare’s picture or whatever else – their actions are their actions. If I point out that you’re in Doug’s “crew” and I post evidence that Doug is behind AMSI, and show how you support Doug without even pausing to think about that evidence – then no, I don’t mind at all if people focus on you and challenge you for supporting that fraud.

This also isn’t a discussion about the virtue, or lack of virtue, of Michael’s family. They are fair game for discussion as public figures. That happens. Michael may not have always expressed positive feelings about them. Imagine that; someone complaining about their family? Who does that? Maybe – EVERYONE, at some point? If your best friend’s dad beat her up as a kid, would you go beat him up? Or would you focus on helping your friend heal? Now the difference is, if your friend said to you, “Help me get justice against my dad,” THEN maybe you help her.

As we discuss Michael’s family, we don’t have to like them, but we might consider that Michael loved them anyway. We don’t need to ask why, to understand that. We have no reason to figure that Michael would want any one of us to bring grief to his family. Except, here we have AMSI speaking out, with Michael’s stolen identity, against them, virtually making a call to action against them. And THAT, I have a major problem with. The PROOF of this is Clare, CaduceusDragon, swearing to get even with the family, right after AMSI said some of them framed him for molestation charges.

That is the danger of AMSI. People who believe that he is Michael Jackson, are stirred by what he says. If he makes a call to action, they will take that call.

If AMSI says members of Michael’s family are dangerous vipers – if, as he seemed to do just the other day, makes a “plea for help,” who of these AMSI believers can be trusted not to take action? If he calls our President a murderer, and he posts pictures of dead children from a war-torn country to “prove” that – should we ignore the power of “Michael Jackson’s words” to enflame people?

I’ve been criticized for “only” going against AMSI and not other fakes. This discussion right here is the best action against ALL the fakes. I see AMSI as the most dangerous of them all, and it helps make the point about: “What would someone do with the power of Michael Jackson’s words?” Maybe someone starts with a devilish idea to fool some people; see what they can get away with. Then, they find success, they find some suckers! Then it goes a little further. Then, maybe they go into private discussions; emails. They get more and more involved, realizing what people will give them as Michael Jackson that they wouldn’t give them as Joe Shmoe from Kokomo. It goes a little further, then a little further… until… what?

When does it stop?

It stops when people stop allowing them to continue. There is NO reason to trust ANY Michael Jackson you find hiding in social media. Don’t say, “But what if it really IS him?” because – HE WOULD KNOW BETTER. Period. He would NOT do that to the millions of fans who mourned his death.

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