The little piece the radio network didn't want:

No America, your furnace filter’s fine. It didn’t get dusty in your house last night. That was a natural reaction to a Budweiser ad -- it’s called alcohol-induced male sensitivity reaction -- and it’s completely natural.

<music> opening notes of "Landslide"

The advertising geniuses at A-B-InBev know how to pull your heartstrings.

And thank goodness someone still does.

<music> Well, I've been afraid of changing
'Cause I built my life around you

We’ve grown to accept powerless rhetoric as the status quo -- we’ve grown accustomed to being unmoved -- by anything, by anyone. But yesterday’s beer commercial proves there’s still a part of us that can be touched... by a guy with dimples who loves horses so much he’ll shake the hand of the man who drives the trailer to the farm.

We need more better (sic) wordsmiths: people who can reach into our chests and give us a thump. Whether with a speech, or a song, or fifty-eight seconds of video.

Sometimes, I wish Aaron Sorkin wrote my life. I wish Stevie Nicks sang me to my next decision. Sometimes, I wish life really was like the beer commercials. And, while I'm resigned to all that being fantasy, I’m grateful someone is asking the hard questions:

<music> Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changin' ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?

The hard acknowledgment that 'I’ve been afraid of changing' -- well, I suspect we’re all afraid of that.

Here’s to *more* powerful words in our society, not fewer.
Here’s to rhetoric that can move us to act.
Here’s to stories about cute guys with dimples who love their horsies... and aren't afraid to show it.

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