Lizzie Bennet Diaries masterpost for people that are interested in starting it:

Lizzie Bennet Diaries is a modern adaptation of Pride & Prejudice thought up by Hank Green (of Vlogbrothers, aka John Green's brother.) It is really amazing and cool and I think that everyone should be watching it basically.

LBD is a transmedia experience that uses youtube, twitter, tumblr, etc to tell the story so if you're not clued-in as to how to watch it, you could kinda miss out on a lot of great stuff! Also it'll be a lot better watching if you start now before the whole story ends, because then you get to freak out over the surprise tweets and wait for videos every week, and just be part of the fandom in a way that you won't be able to once the whole thing is over.

To BEGIN, The entire playlist of every video in order:

This includes spin-offs and Q&A videos, so watch this one!

All the characters have twitters on which things happen that are exciting sometimes. If you get into it and start shipping Lizzie & Darcy, then the twitters can be a goldmine for cute photos and tweets and yeah. They are basically real people it's cool. Also, recently some ~drama has being going down and the twitters have become reeeeally important to the story. I WOULDN'T SUGGEST LOOKING AT THE TWITTERS BEFORE WATCHING THE VIDEOS. Because spoilers. But you can if you want :3

Then there are actor twitters and tumblrs and you might not care about them, but they sometimes post akjfhadkj pictures and videos and things (the Lizzie/Darcy actors being all cutesy for example ahhh)

Ashley aka Lizzie:
theashleyclem on insta

Daniel aka Darcy:
manboynice on insta

MK aka Lydia:
mkwiles in insta

Allison aka Gigi:

I won't list them all, but most of the cast/writers have twitter or tumblr and instagram and they post loads of stuff pretty constantly so.

The "the lizzie bennet diaries" tag in tumblr is also pretty great too, and anything i've missed here will be on there, but don't go on there until you're finished because SPOILERS!

There has been a recent shall we say "incident" that I would post a link for but it would spoil a lot of things, but it will soon become clear if you go anywhere near the Lizzie Bennet tumblr tags.

Basically watch it.

Also cute little extra things:

Daniel and Ashley read from TFiOS and omg it's amazing. The phrases "you're so sexy" and "we could go back to your room" are uttered ok. And also there's handholding. HANDHOLDING. *dies*

They also did this interview which is pretty cute!

Happy watching! xoxoxo

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