
Sue V · @veulent_savoir

30th Jan 2013 from Twitlonger

Please take the time to read this! I know that many of you dislike twitlonger , but there is no way to say everything I want to say in a tweet…so here goes.

So many people in the fandom have complained about the treatment of Kristen by the press. We have moaned and groaned and lamented the fact that they continue to rehash the same stories and keep bringing up this summer’s non-event. It really doesn’t matter where you stand on the “scandal” and more. It’s over! It’s done! Or it should be…but the media won’t leave it alone.

Now they have had other stories that certainly should have been worthy of dragging out…but have you noticed that very few go beyond a week or two?

There’s a reason…………us. We wring our hands and think “poor Kristen” and go to their sites and try to protect her by leaving long drawn out comments and by getting into arguments with haters or the people the tabloid has hired to cause trouble. When nothing changes, we think there is nothing we can do.

But wait! What about a petition? There have been numerous petitions started. There’s one going on now. Sign it! It can’t hurt……but the petitions so far have gone nowhere. Not enough people are willing to take the time to go to the site and sign their name. And, if they did get enough signatures…do you think anyone would listen? They can’t agree on gun control or how to balance the budget! WHY would they care about our complaining about the tabs?

The tabs are all about money. They get money for every time you go to read an article or look at a picture. We are keeping them in business. When they can’t get pictures from papz, they take pictures from instagram. When they can’t get a story, they make one up. And the REALLY interesting thing is that the biggest majority of those sites are owned by the SAME people! That is why you see the same article coming from so many places. One tab makes it up and the others take it, tweak it here or there and then print. It looks like it comes from different places…but it doesn’t! They just reprocess and recycle the same BS.

It doesn’t just happen with Kristen. It happens for all the celebrities….it’s just that we are more aware of aware of the articles about Kristen and Rob.

“The Plan” is working! We are getting their attention! In just ONE day we managed to get the attention of Maurice at We made a big enough impression that he actually threatened to have closed down! After just ONE day!

You see the beauty of “The Plan” is that the tabs can’t control us on Twitter. They can’t stop us from stating our beliefs and putting it out there for all to see. If you go to their site and put a comment on, they can control whether or not it is seen. If they don’t like the comment, they just don’t approve it. That is why they let the ugly, vulgar comments get passed and then block some of you that are making valid points. They want the commotion. They want the arguments…because it generates hits to their site and it makes them money. Twilighter probably explains it better than I do, but that’s what it boils down to. All the little sites like get hits and all of that goes back to the few that actually control NEARLY ALL the sites.

If you are one of the people that dislikes what is being done…whether it is to Kristen, to Rob, to Justin, to Jennifer, to….and the list goes on, then you CAN do something. WE can do something. And it’s easy! If you see a comment about “diarrhea journalism”, RT it. That’s all there is to it.
If you go to a site (and remember every time you do you are making money for them), but if you go to read the article or look at a picture…leave a comment like “Stop the BS! This is diarrhea journalism!”. Then get out! Don’t stick around and let yourself be drawn into an argument. You won’t win. You can’t win. The only way we win is to get our point across that the lies, the repetition of lies and the BS has to stop! And remember that when you do go to their site, they control what is seen…so they may get tired of the bashing and not approve your comment. THEY CAN’T CONTROL US ON TWITTER! THEY CAN’T SILENCE US!

We can do something. YOU can do something. Quit complaining and take an action that will actually make a difference. Remember, in ONE DAY we got a response from a tab. He never would have responded it he wasn’t scared.

It only takes one snowflake to start an avalanche. One person, alone, won’t get much accomplished. Together, we could make a difference. Think about it.

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