#Unconstitutional #SilentKiller #Heritage #Freedom

A Recent Article on "The Saving of America by Rebellion" (#1) complemented by Alex Jones' expose/video (#2) on the and the immortal writings of Thomas Paine (#3)"These are the times that try men's souls." Paine wrote- that each generation must choose its own government, and NOT be shackled by some Pompous Ass (Royalty)- who contributed only a drain of the economy...dragging on the back of the common man. obam's response (#4)to the considerable body of secessionist's petitions...is to attempt to justify this ball and chain- through successive generations. Furthermore, announcing that any future such petitions...must have far greater numbers-to be "honored" with a response.

America is on that slippery slope- heading rapidly towards the abyss of indifference. When "ANY" list of innocent children's lives taken (#5) "Happens"- Crimes against Humanity comes into play- and also applies to "Double Tap" helicopter gun-ship kills- as elucidated via Wiki-leaks/Bradley Manning (#6). When Convicted War Criminals/Criminals Against Humanity -such as Bush and Blair (#7)...simply allowed to walk away with impunity; than as in multiple-warnings, such as Naomi Wolf's "The End of America" video (#8)- which draws stark comparisons of today's USA leadership + peoples trends- to that of pre-WWII Nazi Germany, also Referred to as "Corporate Fascism" by Consumer Advocate Ralph Nader (U-tube video available).

When the understanding and true concern for one's people is supplanted by #1. Farmers loans+foreclosures #2. A massive taxpayer bailout of S+L Banks and auto industry ans #3. Unprecedented bail-outs for both Wall Street and Banksters....by FEMA internment camp construction; by the 99% OWS colluded 1st amendment quashing by dhs (#9); by breaking the very Constitutional Law-sworn to uphold (#10); by deliberately lying to USA Citizens- about Fukuskhima Nuclear C137 etc. "silent Death" exposure (#11) as well as killing not only current generation combatants- but mutilating/mutating genetic trans-generational DNA via depleted Uranium, irresponsible nuclear power industry/military industrial complex's as well as the run-away nuke mining, tests, fatality riddled flawed operation +
deliberate fraudulent representations to the public of meltdowns, spills, contamination, toxic mining process and still unresolved used fuel disposal...and so many other gross abuses of the people's trust.....

Then in fact there is a considerable basis for rebellion-against corruption, deceit and all those other dark edges that have slithered in.

Let Your Life Be That Opposition Force- To Slow This Killer Machine ! (#11)


(#1) "The Saving of America by Rebellion"-Txt http://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2013/01/col-lawrence-sellin-status-quo-no.html

(#2) Alex Jones- on Royalty factor-video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50Qs41iwHgk&feature=em-uploademail

(#3) Thomas Paine's writings- Project Gutenberg, free download ( Common Sense, The American Crisis, The Rights of Man and The Age of Reason) http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/31270 or http://www.ushistory.org/paine/ or $3.97+S.H. from http://www.amazon.com/Thomas-Paine-Reader-Penguin-Classics/dp/0140444963

(#4) white hs response to secessionist's Petitions-txt: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/276817-white-house-responds-to-secession-petitions

(#5) List of Children killed(only-not incl. women + innocent men)-by USA remote drone "WAR"-Txt: http://droneswatch.org/2013/01/20/list-of-children-killed-by-drone-strikes-in-pakistan-and-yemen/

(#6) 2 Reuters News Reporters killed- and children injured by USA helicopter "Double Tap" shooting on 1st responders-video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5rXPrfnU3G0

(#7) Bush/Blair Found Guilty of War Crimes: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZxa0-IXl_U

(#8)The End of America-video by Naomi Wolf: http://www.snagfilms.com/films/title/the_end_of_america

(#9) #OWS manifesto-Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-gAm5qxsQY&feature=youtu.be

(#10) Wantonly un-Constitutional Violations-Txt: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/26/us-usa-obama-appointments-idUSBRE90O0TG20130126

(#11) Let Your Life Be a Friction to Stop the Machine-Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2Xh5eN2fXY&feature=youtu.be

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