Lots of people are asking us how they can grow their calves and constantly saying their CALVES WOULD not GROW!!! So TRY THIS.

You walk on your calves every day prob gets used as much as any muscle ! Muscular development of any body part as you know is a about breaking down tissue ! Therefore there is direct connection with explosive work and fast twitch fibre’s! Most people train their calves too much but do no giving them enough shock factor ( INTENSITY)! After all we are walking on the calves all day do you really think that doing 6 sets of 20 reps is going to dint the fibres of the calves which has probably been used most since we were born !! Come on apply basic logic..

You can tap a stick of dynamite with a pencil all day, but I dare you to BANG IT with a HAMMER !

This is the point we are trying to make

You need to stimulate to accumulate muscle so ..

For calves do this but get ready to walk into the dark side - Do what we call 3 working warm up sets building up to ONE WORKING SET ! 1st do 15 - 20 reps approx 40% of your max weight on seated calf machine , 2nd working warm up set 15 reps max approx 55 % of your max !! Always go twice as slow on the negative movement more fibre tissue gets torn on the negative than positive ! 3rd working warm up set 80% of your max weight for 12 -15 reps !! Now then you are ready ... Grow some testicles get mentally in the ZONE ! There is NO rush get as much energy back into your body as you can as you will need it all and more....

Rack that weight up to what you think you can do for 8 reps ! Get into the machine YOU are the BOSS you are going to shock the muscle! Do what we say make each rep count when your eye balls are popping your there with intensity ! Do the 6-8 reps ! Rack it , walk away walk back on after 30 seconds do 2-3 reps you will be screaming with pain! Walk away walk back on do 1 powerful rep. Walk away back on do your last powerful rep!

At this point you should be hating even reading this article for telling you to do this ! Get your breath then repeat exactly what I just said on smith machine but only do 1 working warn up set just getting full contraction and stretch ! Then as I said repeat exactly what we told you to do on seated ! It's call HIT rest pause sets ! Think about it your putting ALL your bodily power into just 2 brutal sets !!!!!! Do that and you will have TRULY shocked your calves into growth, and if your eating RIGHT your calves will GROW !! Get ready to experience PAIN BORN from INTENSITY but it will not be without gain

Have a great few days hobbling ....

Body Coaches

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