
Tony Foote · @TheUpperFoot

13th Jan 2013 from Twitlonger

This is my response to the Twitlonger posted by @CaduceusDragon at on the 11th:

Dear Clare,

I feel I want to respond to what you wrote as I sensed a bit of a softer tone from you than usual. It gave me a sense that perhaps you wanted to understand, more than just complain.

So I’ll follow along from your message and try to respond to a few things you asked.

Of course you realize I “pulled the Twitlonger from the past” just to illustrate something to @Thriller_Wolf. Your name wasn’t mentioned in the conversation, but you must have read it anyway to click the link to see what that Twitlonger was about. Yes, that was about you – and it wasn’t all that long ago, either.

And you know, that Twitlonger wasn’t meant to attack you. You start off by saying you want to respond to my “lies and mis-information” about you. So I ask – what lies, what misinformation can you identify from anything I’ve written? Show me.

The time you really came to my attention was when you posted your own message JUST after AMSI posted his “Why I Faked My Death” message. In his message – and you DO understand, I don’t believe for even a millisecond ANY possibility that that person is Michael Jackson – he treacherously accused Michael’s father and brothers of framing him for child molestation back in 1993. You addressed your message “to all members of the Jackson family,” and you mirrored some of the things AMSI said in it – it was clear that YOUR message was an angry one against them, and it sure seemed like what AMSI said was what caused you to write it.

You began by saying: “I have been a victim of abuse and mind control the last years at the hands of Joe Jackson Jermaine Jackson and Randy Jackson.” Among many things you said in that message, you yourself stated with certainty (and signing at the end that it was your “true factual statement”) that Randy and Joe were guilty of framing Michael in 1993. This caused some to suspect that you were AMSI because you were going after the Jackson family with the same type of energy.

If you’ve paid any attention to what I’ve been doing, you’ve seen that my interest is in exposing AMSI as a fraud. I’ve posted so many examples of this which should have been convincing to most people, save for the few who decided to place trust in AMSI without asking for ANY meaningful proof whatsoever. You among them.

It’s a bit astonishing to me that people who will accept as “proof” the idea that Michael’s name is not engraved at his burial site means that he must then be alive – or that stuffed animals being seen in a courtroom would mean that – or that the idea that he is alive means that of course, he must be on Twitter talking to them, too – will be so willing to ignore such things as exact quotes being offered as proof that someone is lying to them.

But let’s set that aside. My previous message to you was to express concern. When I saw that person called @FlyinSoulJohn trying so hard to reach out to you – and then he posted his own Twitlonger which quoted a letter you had written two years before – he really seemed to want to find someone he remembered, whom he just couldn’t see anymore. And you didn’t even seem to recognize that this was someone who knew you at all – you just reacted again as though you were under attack, and you surmised that he must be one of the Jacksons (and in that same response you said you believed I must be Jermaine!). It looked like you completely missed what both he, and I, were trying to say to you.

We wanted you to calm down. At least, that seemed to be “John’s” goal, too. To zero back in on reality. Someone who expresses openly that she feels that she is being mentally abused or even psychically stalked by the Jackson family, does not sound like someone who has a firm grip. And you sound so angry so often, it is very hard to see you as someone who wants to spread “divine love” or who even might possess a healing touch. Further, it becomes VERY easy to see you as someone who could actually pose a real threat to the Jackson family, from many of the things you’ve said.

Is that really what you want to put out there? And, do you really expect someone should take you aside and ask you questions or try to learn more about you to put any of that into a better context? When I see you call Janet Jackson a bitch and say you will get even with her – do you think people will CARE to ask you about that? Or do you ever consider when you do stuff like that – people are very likely to just throw a bit of anger back your way?

Surely you know the expression, “you reap what you sow.” You plant grass seeds, you get grass. You plant seeds of hatred and anger, those things come back to you as well. You stand square in the middle of Michael Jackson fans and threaten his family. WHAT DO YOU EXPECT YOU WILL HEAR?

I understand a little bit of your story, at least if what your old acquaintance Martin said in his response to your rant against him was true – after some time working with his site, you heard from someone who said he was Michael Jackson, and you corresponded with him. Now you realize, that almost since the day Michael’s passing was reported, there have been many people trolling the internet among the people who believe he faked his death, posing as him. MANY. It is very clear that there IS some motivation for people to do this. Mainly, for the attention. Attention they would most likely not get as “themselves.” And you realize too, that two or three people even tried to pretend they were AMSI after his account was suspended!

Meanwhile, if you believe that Michael DID fake his death – and went to a tremendous amount of trouble to do so – do you seriously believe he would toss aside all concern for his own personal reputation and safety, and that of anyone who helped him, so he could talk to a small fraction of his fan base openly on social media?

These people who steal his identity in order to fool people and get attention for themselves are despicable. This AMSI, in particular, seems to be the worst of them all, for many of the hateful things he has said about Michael’s family – even about Michael himself, when you remember how he claimed that Michael lied publicly about so many things – and particularly about our President Obama, whom AMSI has accused of being a murderer with children’s blood on his hands. If the man behind that account wants to rant about those things, he is free to do so – as himself, or even anonymously (unless he is guilty of defamation or slander) – but he MAY NOT DO SO under the guise of Michael Jackson.

Surely Clare, you noticed when AMSI made fun of @DivineLiturgy’s avatar picture, saying the woman in that photo looked “sad and bitter,” that he was talking about YOUR FACE? If that was the very same person you had corresponded with for the last couple of years, “Michael Jackson” – you didn’t wonder why he didn’t recognize your picture??

By the way, how do you even like the idea of Michael Jackson coming on Twitter and telling ANY woman she looks “sad and bitter”? Does that match any known behavior you would ever attribute to Michael Jackson??

What if you were to stop and consider for just a moment, that this Dmovie27 guy IS the despicable person posing as Michael? Well, take a look at “motivation.” In him, you have an already-outspoken guy with a “conspiracy theory” agenda, who had a little-viewed YouTube channel filled with videos he made about Michael Jackson. In 2010 he was banned from the MJHD forum for being arrogant, and he was exposed by a former collaborator as being a woman-hater, a fan-hater, and even a false prophet. In early 2011, “TheIllusion777” arrived, with a blog page that sounded VERY much like Doug, with the amateur numerology, lyrics analysis and even movie references that are his hallmarks. Through that ID he claimed to post under the direct authority of Michael Jackson to offer some clues – so people would LISTEN to him. He told everyone he had been an assistant editor on one of Michael’s albums, naming songs he worked on whose credits included no such person in common. He even gave his age as something which didn’t logically add up and was exposed for it. And, he offered, with certainty, that MJ would “BAM” on July 13, 2011, when he would appear at the base of the Hollywood Sign.

Of course, no such thing happened, and our “assistant editor” disappeared entirely. Another name, VeronicaRose99 appeared right after that, saying that Michael didn’t like that date for his return, and said she would be creating the “mjviva” YouTube channel for him to make further announcements. And after that, the Twitter account appeared. One proven fraud transitioned into another “identity” and continued looking for more people to fool. He promised his return before the end of 2011, which didn’t happen. Oh, and he also “endorsed” Dmovie27’s page several times – a man who had never met Michael Jackson, who had no means to be an “insider” or “informer” who was just offering his own hypotheses about things based on – amateur numerology, lyrical content, and stuff he saw in movies.

How convenient – again, “Michael Jackson” seems to endorse some person offering only clues he was hypothesizing about. AMSI even said the number 27 was meaningful – how about that! Sure, AMSI did “endorse” several other hoax investigators – but Doug happened to be the only one who embraced that endorsement. And if Doug endorsed AMSI in return, and AMSI said things which mirrored what Doug had said before – then it seemed to support Doug as “prophetic” and would give people further reason to LISTEN to what Doug had to say. Doesn’t that say a lot about what “motivation” he might have to create the AMSI character?

Of course there’s a lot more to that story, quite a bit of which I’ve already told along the way. My motivation? It’s the same motivation as many others who have spoken out against AMSI – and there HAVE been MANY besides me – including some who got the Estate to shut down the MJVIVA YouTube channel before he went to Twitter. We don’t like to see Michael Jackson’s identity being stolen and used to make a mockery of him and his fans.

And it is NOT enough to simply have an account shut down. Because a new account always comes back, and the same people flock to it and embrace it. As long as people keep doing that, there will always be a motivation for someone to keep impersonating him. So no, you folks do NOT get to be just “left alone with your beliefs.” YOU are just as responsible for Michael’s identity being stolen time and time again! YOU are responsible for him gaining new members of his flock, too, because these people have no other reason to believe him than THAT THEY SEE OTHER PEOPLE BELIEVING HIM.

If it is to ever STOP, it will only happen if people get pissed off enough, not just at the impersonators – but also at the endorsers.

You say I use scare tactics? Well yes, I DO want to scare people, just a bit. The same way a parent might “scare” their child so that they will avoid strangers with candy. Would you sit there and argue that not ALL strangers with candy are dangerous? Or would you, as a mom yourself, agree that yes, let’s just apply the broad strokes to that situation because it’s too dangerous to make allowances?

The SCARIEST part of allowing someone to speak as Michael Jackson is that, the words of Michael Jackson can have power. People will act on his words. And THIS “Michael Jackson” is breeding hate and contempt for Michael’s family and for our President. In the wake of that person’s words against those people – YOU YOURSELF have parroted his sentiments against them.

If Michael DID fake his death for some really, really important reason, he would NOT be posting publicly about it on the very public venue of Twitter. NO ONE WOULD. He wouldn’t go find the community of people who believe he faked his death and tell them, “Hey, guess what guys, you were right! Ha ha, hee hee! And here’s some juicy stuff about my family!”

You remember that old Warner Bros. cartoon about the frog who only sang and danced for one guy? The guy then went to open the box to show the frog to someone else – and that frog didn’t sing and dance at all. The “knowers” here are coaxed by Doug/AMSI to believe in his little song and dance – but can they take that and show it to the world? Nope. If any one of them excitedly told anyone in their lives that Michael Jackson will be back, July 13, 2011, just wait and see – all anyone heard was “ribbit.” If they said he’d be back before 2011 was over? Same thing. 2012, when AMSI said his return was 1000% certain? Ribbit.

And let me borrow a page from Doug’s own book of Significantly Meaningful Coincidences: The name of that frog in that cartoon was Michigan J. Frog. Now – what state is Doug from? Ribbit.

This guy KNOWS he is making fools out of people. Because he believes people ARE fools. He often calls people fools, which is what got him banned from the MJHD forum. He even often puts quotes around “people” as to express disdain for them. He outright said that when Michael sang “They Don’t Care About Us” – that the word “they” meant – the fans. Doug’s very first video on his special YouTube channel dealt with – obsessive fans. He really hates those fans! And here he sits among them – because he believes he can fool them. The hell of it is – he keeps being proven RIGHT about that.

As AMSI, he told how he (as “Michael”) has had psychic abilities since childhood – he could communicate with animals and spirit beings, but NOT with people. Just one month later, he suddenly decided he COULD do it with people – so well that he got a dozen of them at a time to participate with him. When people came back telling him about their experiences – I just bet that guy was laughing his ass off at them.

And then here we get to what I said the other day – another very dangerous thing about what this guy is doing. He got people to publicly post their telepathic experiences with Michael Jackson – whom most of the world recognizes is deceased, and whom most of those who don’t think he is, don’t believe he would be on Twitter talking about it. He has encouraged these people, mainly women, to post entire essays about this. Now just think about that for a moment. THIS MAKES THEM LOOK MORE THAN CRAZY!

So just imagine your neighbor Mabel follows your Twitter feed and sees this going on. Mabel knows you’re a single mom with a young child, and she sees you not only talking to the late Michael Jackson on it, but also talking about going into a trance so you can ask him more questions (which, why couldn’t those people just ask him those questions on Twitter?). Next thing Mabel does is to call Child Services, because such a crazy person should NOT be entrusted with the care of a young child.

You, Clare, because you seem to so proudly “show your face” on social media, you take more responsibility for what you say, especially if you post hateful things about Michael’s family and about the U.S. President. And so if I seem to be trying to “scare” you – why yes, I am, because you SHOULD be. Not of ME – you should be aware of, and worried about, the consequences of your OWN actions. You complain about the people bothering you on Twitter. Why do you THINK they are bothering you? BECAUSE OF THE THINGS YOU HAVE SAID. And by being publicly “you,” you then expose your business, your co-workers, your friends and your family to the people who are becoming angry with you. You risk having someone post links to what you have said, elsewhere – like, say, on Yelp, where people post reviews of businesses. You risk having someone call up your business and talking to your co-workers. You risk having someone call up whatever they call the Child Services Department in Sheffield to tell them all about this crazy mom who’s threatening the Jacksons and claiming that they’re “mind controlling” her, who also claims she has all these fantastical metaphysical abilities that a lot of people don’t believe in.

Some part of you HAS to realize how this looks to other people. Some part of you HAS to realize that, hey, some Michael Jackson fans don’t appreciate someone threatening his family!

The letter that FlyinSoulJohn guy posted that you wrote two years ago, sounded like the words of a likeable, sweet, normal person. The words you’ve written more recently, sound like your perspective has been all tweaked out of shape. You sound angry, mean, spiteful… and potentially dangerous. That is what people see from you. Some people see you endorsing AMSI so strongly, when they know that he has already hurt many people with his actions.

What if, Clare, someone looked up the other therapists on your business’s web site and decided to earnestly reach out to them? To show them what you’ve written on Twitter so they could see what THEY are potentially being exposed to by being friends with you? What if whoever reached out to them didn’t sound angry, but concerned? Psst, hey, you might want to be aware of what Clare is doing out there – because she’s saying some really outrageous things that YOU may be blamed for by association!

See, what I am trying to tell you is – I UNDERSTAND you have people who like you, who care about you. I understand you have wonderful endorsements from clients who say you’ve helped them. I’ve seen your words from two years ago that I found touching. I would like to think that there is a core “you” who is a very good and decent person – however it seems that by becoming too involved with this “hoax” and fake Michael Jacksons and a number of other people with agendas to take advantage of other people – you’ve become poisoned by it. I am asking you to please recognize this and take steps to purge all of it from your system.

Even if it was the real Michael Jackson talking to you there – I would have to say, “it’s not worth it.” Look at the real people around you that you can see, touch, and look into their eyes and see your love reflected back at you. Your children, your family, your friends. Then think about this “Michael Jackson” who comes and goes on a whim; who plays games with your feelings; who makes you jump through all these hoops to stay in touch with him. Any real person who really loved you, would not make you do that. So, even if it COULD be the real Michael Jackson there – screw him; he ain’t worth it. Not at all.

What I’ve been doing IS worth the effort. As you asked in your message: Do I help people? Yes, MANY have told me so. Do I heal people? By trying to help them see what has happened and helping them get through it – I’d have to say, yes. Do I give kindness and compassion? Well, re-read what I wrote before, and see what I’m writing to you now. Do I enlighten/awaken people? AMSI has a LOT fewer followers than he had before, and Doug is carrying on “in hiding” with a lot fewer followers now too – so I’d have to say, YES. Am I a poet/philosopher? You tell me. An earnest message is only received by willing ears. For you, I tried to “poetically” plead your case by talking about the meaningfulness I found in your letter of two years ago. I have philosophized quite a bit right here for you. But you won’t see that unless you want to.

You talk about me having a vibration of “fear.” Well, I do fear for the welfare of people who have been conned by the perpetual stream of impostors offering false hopes and eventual discouragement. To people who desperately are LOOKING for hope. I don’t believe that Michael is alive myself – but I don’t want to beat that drum so hard, because if thinking he is alive out there, somewhere, DOES give hope to people – I have said before, they should embrace that however they feel it – and keep it inside them. Not to keep searching for him online – but in how he is reflected by the world. How they can reflect that themselves.

As for “fear,” I have seen people who have been afraid to speak out against people like AMSI for fear of being attacked. I have heard accounts of people who HAVE faced some very deep hatred, who have been subjected to some very vitriolic attacks in this community, even YouTube videos posted of private photos of their family and friends, repurposed just to threaten them. (And guess what, they believe it was Doug who did it!) You had someone “steal” your photo to use as their avatar to poke fun at you? You don’t know what real harassment is. When I exposed Doug in my blog, he wrote a long public letter filled with threats toward me. I have been accused of being a bully by others, among other things. Well, let me tell you – I am standing up to the bully, and I am not going to cower from him. I want to show other people they don’t need to be afraid of him, either.

My “point” about Valentina and Galina was two-fold. I questioned whether they were real because they did not SEEM real. Two beautiful, singing twins – who could be quite a commodity – and no one has ever heard of them outside of “Michael Jackson fans”? I’m sure you realize that fake Michael Jacksons ALSO create other fake identities to endorse them. The girls only posted professional modeling pics; none of them candid photos, out with friends, at the beach, or anything. They claimed music was their life, yet only posted a couple of songs on YouTube a couple of years ago – meanwhile, spending these important young years on Twitter following this false prophet/AMSI guy, seeming to focus far more on Michael Jackson than on their own career. Soon enough, they might be “too old” to be as viable in the music industry as they COULD be RIGHT NOW! So by proving me wrong, they now show the greater tragedy of that wasted time and energy. I would dearly love to help break them free of that and encourage them to go out and SING! Not sit there analyzing movies for Doug as part of his “crew” so that Doug has someone to feed his crazy.

“Innocent girls”? They may have the best intentions, but they still fail to recognize the threat. All of the people who are still faithful to AMSI today have overlooked SO, so many things he has said that are so very unlike the Michael Jackson we have observed over 40 or so years publicly and in interviews and in his own written thoughts. Just so they can believe they “talk to him on Twitter.” If you’re driving and you ignore a red light – you understand the consequences of that. If you want to ignore all the warning signals this guy has given off – there are consequences to that, too. The women who followed Charles Manson might have been “innocent” when they met him, and he is surely guilty of taking advantage of them and brainwashing them – but the moment they committed crimes for him – they owned the full responsibility for that and could no longer be considered “innocent.” Do you want to watch that happen to these “innocent girls” while this svengali-like jerk mortgages their personalities?

If I can help the people in Doug’s “crew” break free, great! But they are all adults who are also responsible for their actions. They can be viewed in two different lights: As victims of his manipulation, and as people who should know better. To me, it’s clear that they HAVE been affected by his manipulation – after watching them actually “thank” him for the BAD25 documentary, as if he had created it along with Spike Lee – and then seeing their reactions after the news broke about the Sandy Hill Elementary School killings – they seemed more concerned with telling Doug how he was “right” about the significance of “14” (because it happened on the 14th) than with the actual event. Imagine it was one of your kids – wouldn’t you just want to slap someone who said, “See? Doug SAID something like this would happen!”? One of them even said, “27 killed on the 14th, WAKE UP!” Like as if everyone should have been listening to Doug all along. That just made me feel ill.

Somewhere, someone, maybe many someones, failed those kids by not seeing what was wrong with that sick person who killed them. You know he didn’t just wake up one morning and decide hey, I’m gonna go get some guns and go kill some kids! THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN SIGNS that apparently no one paid any attention to. Well, I’m calling attention to some crazy right here. Someone has usurped Michael Jackson’s identity and has been using it to brainwash people and to breed hatred toward people, namely Michael’s family and our President – and THAT IS DANGEROUS.

What are YOU capable of, Clare? Are you capable of really harming the Jackson family members you’ve threatened publicly? Are all of us who have seen you do it, “failing” them by not ringing a big, loud alarm about you?

THAT is the question on the table for you, Clare. If you keep talking like that, you are exposing yourself, your family, your friends and associates, to the consequences of your actions. You MUST realize that. This is not me promising it will happen – this is me saying that it is naturally bound to happen, as you have already seen in (thankfully only) small ways. This is me now begging you to reassess your behavior, to remember the “you” that existed two years ago – and see if you don’t realize you need to take a good look inward and make some sort of change – paraphrased from the famous words of a great man who sang about something like that.

So as you know I am responding to try to help you really understand – I hope that now, you do.

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