
Eric M. · @compostfetish

5th Jan 2013 from Twitlonger

#Aeroponics #Hydroponics As should be to no ones surprise I don't like it. I don't like hydroponics either. The web of life in the soil is very complicated and many factors contribute to plant health and root health. This is another attempt at control in much the same way as sterilizing the soil to control what happens so plants can feed off of artificial fertilizers. I question where they are getting the 'nutrients?' for the plants to absorb?

Yes plants do absorb nutrition in a colloidal way suspended in water, in the soil but the sources of energy microbial and fungal action in the soil are where the energy is supposed to come from. In #BiodynamicAgriculture we stir a variety of soil amendments for an hour before spraying them on the soil creating a colloidal suspension of the ingredients for the plants to absorb directly. One of them is based on cow manure and the other is cased on powdered quartz crystals. We dont force the plants to take in the nutrition but allow the soil to do what it needs with the preparations and the plants then grow in a healthy natural environment.

As an aside a number of plants in nature have evolved to exist on nothing but what they get from water and air outside of any growing medium on land with orchids being one species.

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