[Fancafe] 130103 SEVENTEEN FANCAFE - Hello. This is SEVENTEEN production team! The past 24th was <pre-Christmas with SEVENTEEN> beta broadcasting,
did you like it? ^^ The charm of 11 members was unveiled to you for the first time, did you fall?
Soon various aspects of SEVENTEEN
will be shown to you through SEVENTEEN TV so we ask you for a lot of expectations and interest!
Today we noticed that many of you
are wondering about the creation process of
SEVENTEEN, we are going to give a
slightly announcement about this!
On January 7th the members will be formally introduced to the public through SEVENTEEN TV
but the members of SEVENTEEN are not the final members of the group yet, they are all trainees! The final member line will be
determined through a variety of training and assessment. The group of SEVENTEEN is a team
which is going to be made with the viewers so the final members will be chosen
by monitoring the results of the
public. Accordingly, you can give your opinions in various ways through the fancafe and the SNS
We ask you for a lot of comments
and monitoring!
The weather is so cold! Be careful to not catch a cold, and
give a lot of publicity ahead of the
opening of SEVENTEEN TV on January 7th! Thank you!
(Source: SEVENTEEN fancafe; Trans: junhui17)

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