
Tony Foote · @TheUpperFoot

17th Dec 2012 from Twitlonger

Here’s a bit about what happened on Friday… and an urgent alert to Doug’s crew about the FBI's involvement.

And I have some more of Doug’s own words to share from just over two years ago when he was formulating his agenda.

On Friday, Doug, @Dmovie27, tweeted a link to a news article stating that some 14 kids were among 27 people who had been killed at an elementary school. His followers quickly started chiming in about the significance of the number 27, and the fact that this was the 14th, and Doug often says “stay on 14” (and 2 times 7, the numbers in his user name, equals 14). I had seen something like this play out months ago when a gunman dressed as The Joker killed moviegoers watching the latest Batman film. As he often makes reference to the “Dark Knight” films and quotes The Joker, his followers also regarded that tragic crime as “significant” in terms of what Doug had been talking about these past two years.

Also Friday, we saw the latest “AMSI” account @LAMJ_SNARL was suspended. Later that day, @Dmovie27 announced it was time for him to say goodbye. As Doug so often likes to say, “nothing is coincidence,” and at least in this case, this is no coincidence.

This time I didn’t report AMSI. Someone else did. And they went about it in a different way.

The account was suspended at the request of the FBI.

The FBI also did one other thing. They got in touch with one Mr. Steven Douglas of Michigan and let him know that he is now being watched.

Now why would those nice FBI folks do that?

I’ve found it repulsive that with each major news event, the “crew” quickly attaches prophetic significance to Doug’s words. When hurricane Sandy struck, Doug ominously stated, “What have I been saying about New York for two years?” And as the latest tragedy took place at Sandy Hook elementary, one of his followers even pointed out, “There’s that word ‘Sandy’ again.” This same follower commented, “27 and 14. Wake up,” as if everyone must start listening to Doug. Another stated that the headlines had been “coincidently suspicious” lately and cheerfully added, “Happy 14th!” And another follower asserted that people must listen to him and accept that he always tells and shows the truth.

How can they seemingly celebrate his “prophecies” just minutes after tragedy strikes? And more, how can they find prophetic significance in these events in the first place? This is someone who has presumably been guiding them to find “clues” about Michael Jackson. Well, the other day I showed how Doug’s agenda includes the idea that Michael Jackson is Jesus, based on what he was talking about before he started collecting his “crew”… and several of the crew expressed disbelief about this. One stated that he was just talking about the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses regarding the Archangel Michael – but below I will also show how, in his own words, he again asserted his “Michael is Jesus” belief.

I was already steamed, angry, after witnessing the behavior of the crew in the face of this tragedy. As I watched President Obama make his touching speech about what happened, I heard him speak of so many other recent tragic events of this nature, then saying, “we're going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this.”

Often we hear of how a terrorist attack was prevented because someone’s activities were tracked. Potential perpetrators will try to reach out to terrorist groups, or they try to purchase explosives, or some activity like this will end up alerting the feds. But this type of domestic tragedy doesn’t have such a “tell,” not to where federal agents might catch wind of it. The perpetrators of this type of tragedy can get ahold of guns, either legally or even illegally without catching the notice of the feds. So how CAN such tragedies even begin to be prevented?

Maybe they really can’t. But often there ARE warning signals. And that’s where we, the public, may need to be more vigilant… and involved. We have to call out “crazy” when we see it. You CAN report suspicious activity to the FBI. And in my opinion, here I’ve been tracking something which looks VERY suspicious in someone posing as Michael Jackson who’s been collecting devoted followers and telling them how much he despises his family and our president. And then he suggests that he can’t come back publicly while that man is president… another four years to wait. And he posts photos of dead children from war-torn Gaza and blames it on the president. What is a potential result of “Michael Jackson” enflaming so much anger among devoted followers? Is there ANYTHING at all suspicious about this?

I’ve been sharing and showing this information to a friend who works with law enforcement. After I posted the screen captures of the above described tweets at, after expressing my outrage about this, my friend decided it was time to take it to a contact with the FBI. They presented that image, plus so many other screen captures and Twitter feeds and information collected these past five months, and apparently the FBI found some merit to the suspicions as described, since they wasted no time in getting the AMSI account suspended, and in letting “Doug” know they were looking at him, too.

I was not aware of the report until my friend contacted me again that night to tell me. And this had to do with “suspicion,” which is different from “opinion.” Suspicion can lead to evidence, where opinions generally cannot be substantiated. If you go to the FBI with an “opinion,” you’d be out of luck, but if you bring them a “suspicion” and can substantiate that, they will listen, and you have the right to report that. It’s up to them whether you’ve substantiated it sufficiently for them to take some action, and in this case, actions WERE taken. We saw AMSI suspended, and then we saw Doug make a hasty “goodbye” statement and close his account.

So this is important, and urgent, for Doug’s “crew” and other supporters of AMSI. This situation is now absolutely in the FBI’s awareness, and they ARE watching. Anyone’s “opinion” that Doug is right or that AMSI is Michael Jackson, won’t matter. This is not about “free speech,” this is about there being a reasonable suspicion that activities are happening which could pose a threat to the President or to other individuals on American soil. I, and others, have taken great pains to try to illustrate this to the "crew" and to other interested followers. At first it was mainly just about exposing a fraud impersonating Michael Jackson. Now, as so much else has come to light, it has become an entirely different animal.


Would Doug admit to hearing from the FBI? Probably not. But did it make sense for Doug to suddenly decide it’s time to move along, while saying he wasn’t “forced” to leave? Then why would he do that and then proceed to tweet to people from his private @DrumsandD4 account? Since saying “goodbye,” that account went from having 652 tweets to 659, and several people replied to him there. So now, he’s “hiding.” Not very well though, is he! IF THE FBI WANTS TO SEE A PRIVATE TWITTER ACCOUNT, DON’T DOUBT THAT THEY CAN.

Let me explain a little bit more about “opinion” versus “suspicion.” You can say, “It is my opinion that strawberries are the most delicious thing on earth.” You can’t prove that, and another person’s opinion may differ. But if you say “I am Michael Jackson, believe me,” that is not an opinion – it is either provable or disprovable as to being a fact. It is subject to SUSPICION and CAN be challenged until it is proven. (And it is not anyone’s burden to have to DISPROVE it.)

The problem with allowing someone to declare they are someone as prominent as Michael Jackson and allowing them to find an audience, is that the people who believe him will REALLY be listening. The people who believe he is who he says he is, and will so readily fight to defend him – may also quite willingly carry out any request he might make. As this particular impersonator has so often made derogatory statements about Michael’s brothers and father, and particularly about President Obama, a dangerous situation becomes apparent. Either AMSI at some point suggests harm should come to someone, or one of his faithful followers takes it upon herself to take action.

And we potentially see this, for example, in the form of CaduceusDragon “Clare,” who, after AMSI posted a Twitlonger stating that his father and his brother Randy had set him up to be charged with child molestation, Clare posted her own angry message toward the Jacksons, accusing them of attacking her with “mind control.” And as AMSI has also been highly critical of President Obama, Clare has also mirrored this as well. She has stated clearly that the Jacksons will “get what’s coming to them” (and more recently she has targeted Janet as well). Her hatred of the Jacksons seems to directly mirror that of AMSI’s, and she now seems to see them coming at her everywhere (and she even stated she believes I am Jermaine!). Do we… can we… TRUST that all of her anger and threats will just “stay on Twitter”? Can we trust that the anger AMSI incites in ANY of his loyal followers won’t be acted upon?

Doug supports AMSI (and as I’ve stated, all signs point to him BEING AMSI), even though he has stated privately he doesn’t believe that AMSI is actually Michael Jackson at all. So why does he support AMSI, and encourage others to? Doug stated he had never met Michael Jackson before, and for about a year he has nonetheless encouraged his “crew” to support AMSI, and AMSI also stated his endorsement of Doug’s page several times, while neither of them ever tweeted at the other (at least not until I pointed out that they hadn’t).

What “danger” are you in by supporting AMSI – and even supporting Doug?

I have tried, in so many ways, to paint the picture for you. In Doug, you have someone who has asserted that there is a “religious” aspect to all of this. He has stated that Michael Jackson is a “chosen one,” and he has stated that he has felt a divine hand guiding him as he “speaks for Michael Jackson" through his videos. He has also stated that today’s movies constitute our modern “Bible” and that screenwriters are “chosen ones” to tell stories and offer messages – and then he gives assignments to his “crew” to analyze movies to see what messages they might contain about Michael Jackson. He has said that “Michael Jackson is Jesus,” and that he will return. To his followers, Doug has been interpreting the worldwide importance of Michael Jackson in a particular way – and then he has openly supported the “AMSI” character as being important to listen to, because "he will tell you the truth."

And in AMSI, of course we know that he has many times declared himself to be Michael Jackson, even signing his tweets as “mj.” AMSI has made openly inflammatory statements against members of the Jackson family, particularly accusing Joe and Randy of setting him up for child molestation charges, even stating outright, “You can consider Joe and Randy as my fatal enemies.” The definition of “fatal”? “Causing or tending to cause death. Suggestive of death. Destructive in effect. Aiming or wanting to kill; implacable; deadly enemies.” It is such an absolute statement!

And he has openly made many charges against President Obama as being responsible for foreign atrocities, and specifically tweeted a long series of photos of dead children in war-torn Gaza, while also blaming Obama for it. And AMSI has also suggested that Obama “knows” about the fall of the twin towers, followed by a statement that “Sept 11 had a connection with me, but more sinister than you think.” (These posted by him on Aug. 6, 2012)

And what was the point of “AMSI”? Was it to let his followers just know that Michael Jackson is “okay”? Was it to inform about Michael Jackson’s enemies? Well, for the most part, all we’ve seen him describe in that regard is – his family and our President. In “This Is It,” Michael himself stated, “We have four years to get it right.” AMSI took that statement and declared it referred to Obama’s term – and now that Obama has been re-elected, he suggests that Michael cannot return for another four years. So he keeps suggesting things about our President for his devout followers to become more and more upset about.

And AMSI has made so many contradictory statements. In his recent tweets, shown here with the “snarls” and smileys removed, he speaks of how his aim is to mainly let the Jacksons know how pissed off he is. For the first six months or so, he never offered this thought and told us that the Jacksons knew about him being on Twitter, and he seemed to be offering different “truths” as part of his agenda which had nothing to do with the Jacksons. He said they knew about it and that future projects were in the works – and he specifically stated having a special bond with Jermaine as someone who “really understands” – but that changed and he has blasted Jermaine quite well in his feed more recently. So here he states the intention to “finish them off” financially – a clear threat:

“As`1 said earlier, MJVIVA/AMSI was an account that the Jacksons were well aware of even before its active role here. Mr Hiding Jackson our lovely mj made sure 'his family' Knew whats to come on twitter for em in next few months. A very important member of mj's personal staff was coaxed into taking the info directly to ms kat, randy and joe. The main aim of MJVIVA/AMSI was 2 make the male members of the Jacksons know how displeased Michael really is, ya know, really pissed off. Michael warned the Jacksons, foretold how he will financially finish em off, he wanted them to know HE is still around. All that was done through MJVIVA/AMSI publically and privately as well. Michael Jackson through those private warnings wanted the male Jacksons to understand, to learn to step back.”

So as AMSI, and Doug, through his direct support and his own agenda (again, both quite likely the same person), seem to have an agenda to spew hatred of the Jackson family and of our President AND have endeavored to gather followers to indoctrinate them into their points of view – AND, as it seems to be successful as we now see so many of Doug’s followers tweeting things to him which reflect that: Witness the numbers, (14, 27, etc.), the “three keys” (based on a future film which will star Paris Jackson called “Lundon Bridges and the Three Keys”) and the “green man” (based on a green screen figure set inside the recent “We Are the World” video’s extra features), and so many Star Wars, Batman and other comic-book movie hero references, and any other action/adventure movie references which often are based upon Doug’s own manufactured reference points like these – it is my suspicion, after witnessing all of these behaviors, that there is something very cult-like about it. Especially as it appears to have a religious basis behind it all.

See this article from which talks about Apocalyptic Cults, and see how much of it may apply to this situation. Certainly (and hopefully) not all of it, but “enough”:

Is there “apocalyptic” talk in amongst the feeds of these people? It sure appears so, and I've pointed this out before. As we see Michael Jackson being touted as a Messiah-like figure – or specifically, as “Jesus,” scheduled to return to “change the world” once he returns, and “biblical” clues about this are being sought in movies which Doug asserts are our modern Bible (and again, even in films and events which took place well before Michael was even born), we see Doug setting himself up as a “prophet” of all of this. There does seem to be a religious aspect to it all. Both Doug and AMSI have said over and again that it’s not about “the hoax” anymore. If it’s not about the hoax – then what is it, exactly?

Are these people being brainwashed? The dictionary definition includes: “Systematic effort to destroy an individual’s former loyalties and beliefs and to substitute loyalty to a new ideology or power.” As I’ve seen, most of the “crew” seems to currently reject the idea of MJ as “Jesus,” yet fail to recognize the direction the agenda seems to be taking. In my blog, (and in my previous Twitlonger), I show a conversation wherein at least one crew member DOES seem to fully believe the agenda of Michael making such a religious comeback. Since we have a solid date of June 25, 2009, it seems unlikely that this idea would have been considered before that time. And in this case, the “victims” of this type of brainwashing may well be open to the idea of their hero being destined for such greatness, so the “brainwashing” may not be altogether “forced” and their ideologies easier to gradually point in this direction. From “hoaxing his death” to “returning to change the world,” may not be a very large step in some fans’ minds. But – it would still be a gently, but purposefully guided break from any existing ideology they already held. Being told to “look for clues” engages their minds in that direction and lays this groundwork. Once they have come to depend on the guidance and praise and approval from their “teacher” as they shift their beliefs – what else could he talk them into?

And I have to ask -- why would "independent thinkers" find cause to stand behind a "captain" in terms of ideological thought, and freely identify themselves as his "crew"?

This article may also be enlightening: If you don't like the term "brainwashing," then perhaps "thought reform" or "coercive persuasion" might seem more agreeable.

Here I am just trying to help make this understandable, and to alert people to the cause of "being suspicious." It’s obnoxious and despicable enough for someone to come online and tell people he is Michael Jackson in order to receive the attention and love and respect that followers would give to the genuine article. In social media, people make this too easy to happen because followers DO find these impostors and embrace them “just in case,” reasoning, “Why WOULDN’T it be him?” when in fact they should be fully questioning it, because an impostor who seems to have credibility has the ability to bring great harm on several levels. And we HAVE seen this already with AMSI… if anyone cared to pay attention and observe it. On Dec. 11, AMSI plainly stated: “MJ was so bitter, so bitter that by 50 that man was full of wrath. He did not trust any one, or felt he could love anyone.” It is clear that whoever this person is behind that account, he is describing his own perspective? And I hate to point to this as a type of "proof" against it, but really, honestly and truly – does any of us believe that Michael Jackson would ever declare such a thing publicly??

Before his “Snarl” account was suspended – did anyone see AMSI doing anything but ranting and raving, rather than taking a moment to comment sensitively about the tragedy which had just taken place at that elementary school, as we all surely feel that Michael himself would have done?

Again, I am just trying to help people understand what is wrong here. My “opinion” may not matter in the least, but there is so much that is highly suspect about this account, it would take a lot of stubbornness to continually deny it. And ultimately, this isn’t the point. I want people to understand that they NEED to suspect this and not just take some Twitter account user at his word that he is Michael Jackson just because “it seems right somehow.” There is no good reason to put faith behind someone like this, and the burden is HIS to prove what he says, and not anyone else’s burden to DIS-prove.

Again and again I hear the “free speech” argument. That “we are entitled to our opinions.” And those things are true. Except, no one has the right to steal an identity, online or otherwise – that is illegal. And perpetuating fraud is not “free speech.” And if you think back on when you found AMSI, at some point you reached a decision that this was a good account to follow. Why? Because other people were following him; other people were endorsing him. When you followed and began talking to him, you then likewise began endorsing him and, even if passively so, you allowed other people to see YOU standing behind him and this helped them make a decision about his credibility, too – based on whatever measure of credibility they felt from you as a friend, or you as part of a large group of people backing him up. EACH PERSON bears some responsibility in this, and must consider how it reflects on their own reputation.

And what’s more, as you have this knowledge in your hands and now KNOW that the FBI is alerted – you have more than good reason to step back and really assess whether supporting this account is really worth it; if standing by AMSI and Doug is something you feel strongly enough about to risk being scrutinized by the FBI as well. If you are in any way helping Doug/AMSI grow a cult following and you are seen as one who endorses those accounts, knowing full well what they’ve been saying and doing – then you will be watched, too. Even if you feel “safe” tweeting from behind a private account – if they feel you seem suspicious (and a private account may make you seem even more so), you are still posting “publicly” there and they would have no problem gaining access to it.

Bear in mind, too, that especially now, after the tragedy in Connecticut, law enforcement and federal agencies are on “high alert.” They act quickly and decisively. The FBI KNOWS about Doug and AMSI now. If you want to continue following and supporting those accounts – do so with the full awareness that it puts you directly in their line of sight.

If this finally makes an impression and you DO NOT WANT to be associated with it – if I were you, I would make a declarative statement along these lines: “I would like it publicly known that I do not support AMSI/MJVIVA or “Doug,” aka Dmovie27 and DrumsandD4.” If you make such a statement now, it could serve as a defense for you later if you have previously supported those accounts. It could very well keep the FBI off your back.

And even to those people in other countries – you need to be aware that on the internet, you are “crossing borders” and the U.S. laws will apply to you as well. And everyone may wish to take a look at this article which talks about how “peaceful activists” can get caught up in “terrorist watch lists”:"terrorist"_watch_lists

If you seem to be offering support to people who are making threats of harm against other people, particularly who may be inciting hatred against our government and our President – yes, there is “free speech,” but it does have limits, and the behaviors of these accounts do seem suspicious and DO seem to be coercing people toward particular beliefs which may bring harm to people – and which could conceivably be labeled as “domestic terrorism.” The line is a little bit unclear as to where this situation would fall in that regard – but it DOES seem that there are gray areas there, and hopefully your own sense of logic will tell you that it’s just generally safer to distance yourself from this.

As I’ve asked many before, “Would you stake your own reputation on this?” And most people would not answer directly. Well, now is the time when you may be asked to leverage your own reputation if you want to continue to support these online characters. The FBI had AMSI suspended, and they have warned Doug, and that is really all you need to know – no matter whether you agree with any of what I have to say.

So now I will close again with Doug’s own words, from May 5, 2010, just a few days after he declared that “Michael is Jesus,” you see him saying what he thinks that means. And after that, is also Doug’s own words “prophesizing” about a major catastrophe that he felt would strike California in September, 2010 – which we KNOW FOR SURE did not happen, regardless of his amateur numerology. Ask yourselves again – “Do I want to be associated with this?” Because if you continue to support this – then you surely will be associated with it. And you will be watched, too.

Everything below this is Doug’s own words:


“Here's the wrap up and summary on what I feel is the whole "plan":

Michael Jackson, from day one has always been deemed THE ONE. They've known and recognized that this kid would be the "force" to in effect "change the world". He's the prophecy of the return of Jesus Christ. This is why the love people have for him runs so deep...nobody can explain really WHY they love Michael Jackson so much...they just know that they do. The only other person I know of who came close to this kind of love was John Lennon and I think because of the fact that he made a "choice" to settle down and get married with Yoko Ono and allowed this to become the dominating factor in his life (remember Neo and Trinity) it took him out of the running of possibly becoming the ONE. Remember in the Matrix, there were other "potentials" who were being scouted, but Neo emerged as the one with the STRONGEST potential. There were even those who doubted he was THE ONE, but Morpheus' belief never waned. He knew.

Remember, there was a time when John Lennon actually had the physical look of Jesus Christ (beard. long hair) and who was the guy who said the Beatles had become bigger than Jesus Christ? John Lennon. Was he a false prophet? That's possible, but not probable.

So, I believe he was a "potential" who let his personal interests get the best of him and once Michael emerged, probably took him out of the running anyway. I still haven't figured out how Elvis figures into this yet...he's the biggest mystery of all, but I'm sure he does and his daughter even moreso.

So, Michael emerges and things get on the fast track to "fulfillment".


This is my honest take now and you can just keep in the back of your mind and you may already be fully aware of it, but I feel California is going to tank soon. Something MAJOR is on the horizon and the next wave of this "fulfillment" is at hand. The east has already gotten their's (9/11), the south has already gotten their's (Katrina, which happened on Michael Jackson's birthday no doubt) and now the west is all that's left to "complete" the "trinity". There have been five earthquakes in California this year already and my research tells me that the projected 8th will be the BIG ONE (This not even including the ones that have been happening all over the world).

You cut off the head...the body falls. You kill Hollywood, the great media machine...the dream will be officially OVER.

Based on what I've been able to figure out, it seems this will fall sometime during the week of August 29 - September 4th, but could go up as far as September 10th. The area code in Los Angeles is 310, which could put the date at 9-3-10. That's the one I'm betting on. That's a Friday, which would be the end of the week, so if anybody who has half a brain is hip to what's going on, they will using that week to get out of there before the weekend hits. You also have the 10th, which could put it at 9-10-10 (911) also on a Friday. Either way, the dates don't seem coincidental at all and line up exactly to the course of a PLAN.

I mentioned that Michael Jackson was in NYC on September 10. He's supposed to "return" on or before June 25th, exactly one year after he "died", if this comes to pass, it will pandemonium in the streets, the people's happiness will be overwhelming...just like it was in Madison Square Garden on September 10th during the 30th anniversary show. If Michael shows up and it becomes the summer of joy for his return, you can bet something really bad will be waiting just around the corner.

This is how it works...and it never fails.”

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