WRITERS - We are seeking short story submissions for a Night Vale book project. The requirements are as follows:

1. There is no particular length or style requirements, EXCEPT

2. Please make sure it fits in the Night Vale continuity and general style. Continuity just means please listen to the episodes available so far before writing the story. Style doesn't mean that we want you to copy our writing style, just that stuff like graphic violence or graphic sex probably wouldn't fit, and a super realistic story with no reference to the strange happenings in Night Vale probably wouldn't fit either. Other than that, please feel free to completely depart from the kind of storytelling that we do on the podcast and approach the world from an entirely new angle.

3. All submissions must be made by Feb 1.

Fair warning: We have limited space, and so will have to be very picky about what fits in with our project. In other words, we can't make any promises and please don't be offended if we can't use your submission. It's not a judgement on you as a person. You're a very nice person. We like you. We're in your home right now. No, don't look. Shh. Shh.

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