#YourHealth #Bloodlines #DNAmutation ==>Lead, Follow....or Get the Hell-out-of The Way ! <== #CrimesAgainstHumanity #PsychoticKillers #IAEA #MankindBackedIntoAcorner of #Extinction #RiskFactors #Twinkies

SO YOU WANT TO LIVE FOREVER_ _ _ At least through you un-violated "DNA-IDENTITY HELIX"...when you are done with this life.

Intuitively, each of you know for a fact--- Silently stalking 4 violent rape, and slashing of your micro DNA strands...began with those 1st, secrete Nuclear tests/experiments- - - of man playing god covertly. We are born of this Universe...ultimately, traceable back to those very stellar nuclear explosions that formed the various elements/building blocks. The crucial, life preserving factual difference- is that these Nuclear Reaction events of stars (Bib. #0) have been separated- as with Earth's storing of Hyrdo-Carbon chains (Oil)- - - have been "buffered" by those billion year epochs. Human greed, ignorance and indifferent psychotic tyranny - of "ALL" aspects of this nuclear age ....is on a mad-man's Extinction Scenario (Bib. links #1.) trajectory...apparently- with no white night/King Arthur to save both the Kingdom of Mankind...and his stuart-ship- of this once exotic, paradizical cue ball floating in the vacuums of space. The future is not written yet, the warning signs here within...and pasted on every corner, every chem-trail tainted cloud, every rainforest tree felled, every species rendered per-meditatively extinct and every drop of river and ocean water contaminated by whatever---choose your poison: C137, carcinogenic fracking fluids, H2SO4+mercury from Coal, methane/Fluorine/CO2/Nitrates/other greenhouse gases and/or H20 PH macro change vectors_ _ _ _ _ _ have been growing like mushrooms-but then secrete governments have a history of using you, usurping your rights...even if it kills you (bib.#2). Mushrooms themselves and lichen have their own message- especially in already "DEAD ZONES" - radiation nucleotides are bio-concentrated out of soils....lifted into their infrastructure, and in many cases eaten by animals who travel hundreds of miles...to "leave" this radiation in your favorite "quite" spot.

If radiation's presence had a voice (without a Geiger counter/dosimeter)... it would be screaming so loudly- that you would be deafened. If your DNA could cry rape- every time yet another physical assault+rape occurred....again your audio system would be overwhelmed-perhaps to the point of chronic Health + death from madness. Well, there is a brief smattering of evidence below...cut out of the "MOUNTAIN OF ALREADY COMPILED EVIDENCE". But unfortunately, far too many of you....even if you have read this far- - - will opt-out to watching the Boob-Tubes "reality" shows, NFL, dancing with the stars...or playing with Mario Brother or chasing each other around the bedroom. Maybe this unconscious pre-zombie state and extinction....is just right for you ? Lead, Follow....or Get the Hell-out-of The Way !

At this point in time-there really is no excuse for your having not become informed extensively on these subjects; but I'll humor you...this one more time; then move on.

Nuclear reactor meltdowns and War nukes 1st generate extremely intense, instantaneous heat and pressure waves. If your local- your one of the lucky ones...simply vaporized before your nervous system even knows it. Thereafter it gets really ugly perhaps chronic and submerged for 10, 20 30 yrs. Brush-off radiation is a "Good thing" - from a sick + twisted point of view; its off you with an H2O or similar washing. But then the other foot drops=>bio-concentration-which is an exponential (Bib#3) event. Toxic Radiation-once ingested-( if not passed through any living system) is "gift packaged"/ concentrated in various critical organs and to differing degrees in all species, right up the food chain- into your digestive and/or respiratory systems. OK, now your talking about being in the starter blocks-for some serious damage ! From this GITGO point in time...its DNA beat-up cage fighting to the nth level, no holds bared ! (Bib.#4+5) . The autopsy slab then toxic disposal are your next bus stops ! There really is no opportunity to sprinkle radio-active Daddy's ashes over his favorite place- radiation damage just doesn't go away with death.

The Global fact-of-the matter...is that your already in the soup, and its getting hotter by the day. Backpedaling in Nuclear disaster "admitted history [Fukushima's radiation plume toxified Paciic+North America(Bib #6), Chernobyl's plume toxified most of Eastern Europe (Bib #7). The 3-mile Island lie is also linked within the index referred to in (Bib. #6+7) below. Santa just don't bring gifts like these to little kiddies-for a reason (though glow-in-the dark dinosaurs and watches do have radiation for that "glow"). The IAEA has green lighted current on-going incineration of hundreds of millions of tons -literally mountains- of Fukushima irradiated debris; which exhausts 112,000 BQ (Bib. #8)of radiation into the trade winds + jet stream....ultimately into your coffee, eyeballs, lungs and bio-concentrationville....your gonads ! Cool ! !

Just how extensive are these silent killers creeping into your living-room to thump you? Welp, you know that vet that came back from the Balkans, Kuwait, Iraq + Afghanistan wars...used to be a bull, now somewhat of a loner off in the corner; maybe might not even be there anymore due to a self inflicted bullet to the brain? Well, good chances he got a good whiff of some of the USA home-brewed depleted Uranium. Kind of the same stuff the kids in Fallujah- who played in the shot-up, discarded tanks + vehicles; who not have thyroid growths, and whose mommies are sure having some really weird looking things that remotely look like "human" babies- - - most of them die right off anyway, or are mis-carried. Kind of sound like another Monster fromthe Deep- Agent Orange via DuPont multinational conglomerate. Course they were indited, tried and hung - - - en mass....for War crimes and crimes against humanity. Fortunately, the damage stopped right at the end of those hanging ropes.....NOT ! These are DNA ancestral damages (Bib.#9) now, crops for years will continue to bio-concentrate both Agent Orange + byproducts, just like their huggie brother C137. Even if it causes International Problems - Japan has indicated (Bib.10) it will continue this World-Wide radiation incineration + dispersal......millions of metric tons of it; not to mention how many additional tons of C137 and other nucleotides were directly/intentionally pumped into the World's Pacific -elevating its baseline 5% last check.

Succinctly put- Petro-chem and Nuclear Energy "Banks" were generated over millions and billions of years. IAEA and United Nation irresponsible parties - continue their smoke and mirrors to hide the massive level to which these most toxic killing monsters have escaped the Pandora's box. There simply is way more "safe" renewable energy via sunlight ( that "safe nuclear reactor we call the sun ) in the form of wind, photovoltaic, concentrated solar geothermal, bio-re-cyclic and so on, so forth. As part of the bankster's (Bib. #11) facilitation of this rape, pillage, plunder and DNA destruction of your family line; sham-insurance policies for "disasters" have been floated as well as ongoing nuclear power plant financing....right up to your final vaporization or drop dead composite symptoms.

Just a cursory examination of all of the lives that have been lazerously restored, the life-long genetic mutations children have suffered caused by radiation-that have been miraculously cured, of the parent's tears for killed/mutated/sterilized-that have changed to prideful smiles.... will expose' the complete and utter sham these policies are; that these Monsters promulgate like poisoned candy to children on Halloween....by some sick, psychotic, demonic F_ _ _.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

As a parting "bonus" for your attention to this point, I'' leave you with yet another Twinkies. (Bib. #12) Below-is a 6 part excellent series, that should be viewed ASAP. Highlighted is one section -where a graphic compares the human digestive system to that of carnivores and herbivores. The Cancers and heart disease- not to even mention diminished quality of life are right through the roof....of should I say will slide you right into the grave. A personal note to self design an exercise program-is yet another minimization of risk factors.

But if this 500lb. IAEA killer gorilla- that just bitch slapped your DNA + family across the floor... can literally "GET AWAY WITH MURDER" ...then maybe the other side of the fact; that your testosterone levels (since the 2nd World War) have been dropping like Virgin panties on spring break. You've got balls, just maybe rattle a little hallow these days there Bud :- /

So have a beer, go back to the boob-tube remote control and "lazy-boy" lounger; we now offer a members only taxidermy process....wherein your balls can be mounted on a "prestigious" video lounge wall plaque ! For a limited time only, while they last. Gold plating is optional.

Let your life be the Friction that F_ _ _s up the killer machinery (Bib.#14), or get the Hell out of the Way Girly Man !


#0. Carl Sagan-On This Tiny, Limited Cue Ball we call Home: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p86BPM1GV8M&feature=youtu.be

#1. Extinction Scenario....... Composite-Indexed to date + un-indexed (from below) ...in one location http://www.twitlonger.com/show/k6vq63

#2. The Chronological (partial) list of Secret Experiments 1931-97' on "unknowing" U.S. citizens +alt: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/k6vq63 sub-linked to => http://www.twitlonger.com/show/jc61l8 sub-linked to => Part IX-A : http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread59987/pg1 alt: http://rense.com/general36/history.html

#3. The run-away exponentially damage facts... about bio-concentrated radio nucleotides in living systems; the gov's attempt to hide (by changing standard parameters)Recommend backing this video up and viewing it entirely ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=1Qk9dhJ01NM#t=234s

#4. Data-Base & Resource links/contacts- for "all Suspected Radiation Exposure, NOT just Fukushima......FRCSR (Fukushima Radioactive Contamination Symptoms Research) -FRCSR (monthly reports) https://sites.google.com/site/fukushimareport/ ......AND ..... Well why don't we just re-define what a "safe" level for ingestion (read bio-concentration) is; There is NO safe level of radiation exposure; this exponential curve (graphic) paints this => SILENT CREEPING MONSTER <= out clearly. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Qk9dhJ01NM

#5. ABCs of Japan's Nuclear Reactor Disaster: http://www.ucsusa.org/nuclear_power/nuclear_power_risk/safety/clarifying-japans-nuclear-disaster.html

#6. Fukushima's meltdown radiation release of Iodine + C137 hammered the USA Bay area ! video=> http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=s9AX4800D9Q#t=540s embedded in previous outline: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/k6vq63

#7. Chernobyl's Radiation Plume covered most of Eastern Europe with Iodine + C137, Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=9_Mj5IbXwW0 Again, embedded in previous outline: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/k6vq63

#8. Fly-ash from Japan's burning of radioactive (i.e. C137-30yr 1/2 life) debris carried World-wide by both Jet stream, trade winds and ocean currents: The "open" to ambient release system "designed": 112,000 BQ of radiation released from exhaust stacks=> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Qk9dhJ01NM

#9. Ongoing Radiation Poisoning of Children-by a MOST UNHOLY INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRY -Pediatrician,Dr.Caldicott http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=b3CxZBg91aA#t=196s

#10. On continued radiation release-by burning nucleotides contaminated debris(see English sub-titles : Mayor Sakurai-#FUKUSHIMA....even if it makes trouble, I absolutely don't stop burning "North Eastern Garbage (see subtitled text below video)=> http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=J4Mnk_nzAlw

#11. Bankster's Massive Raping of Your Financial Interests. Indexed and more recent...un-indexed (your a big boy/girl): http://www.twitlonger.com/show/k6vo9n

#12. MD's expose' on heart disease, cancer and comparative anatomy, which protein rich diet-robs your system of Calcium....and many other Twinkies: http://tv.naturalnews.com/v.asp?v=54EDDDA5307972750B808FBE5FE325DB

#13. Not found- gone fishen

#14. Let Your Life Be a Friction To Stop This Disastrous Machine: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2Xh5eN2fXY&feature=youtu.be

#15. Echo through Eternity: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/k7mtpr

#16. THE INNOCENTS ...DEVASTATED BY THE CALLOUS, NAKED GREED http://www.twitlonger.com/show/jqnc7i

#17. Prisons/Debt Slavery-Profiteering & The War on Democracy THE BIG-PICTURE: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/jglr57

Rev. 12/6/12' As always- open source policy here: cut/paste twt...you name it; get the messages + awareness out there !

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