This was posted on mr x's tumblr a few minutes ago..

I’m posting this early because it’s getting far out of hand.

We are, in and of ourselves the masters of our own destruction.  We are literally tearing ourselves apart at the seams and we are too focused blaming other people to even realize it.  I started this Mr. X business as a warning.  Historically, in the face of adversity people can come together for a common purpose.  When faced with a problem, even the longest of enemies can become friends long enough to solve the problem I was hoping that if I scared this fandom into thinking that something was going to happen to the boys, we might unite for even just a moment and try to solve the problem.

I should have known better than to think you capable of something like that.  I’m completely disgusted by everyone in this fandom.  I couldn’t even wait until Dec. 3rd to post this because in just about 24 hours, you all have escalated this far too far.  I’m worried about what would happen if I waited. I’m going to be really cliche for a moment and quote Lincoln, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”  We are so divided it is ridiculous.  And I’m not just talking about Larry vs. Elounor either.  This Fandom is so divided it’s no wonder it’s crumbling.  Everyone has an opinion about everything having to do with the boys.  

We’re putting them in little boxes, forcing our personal ideas on to them and suffocating them.  They aren’t going to be able to handle it for much longer. We stereotype them and force our opinions on them.  We can’t do that! They are real, living people. They are human beings, not characters in a tv show or movie.  They have lives, feelings and ideas.  We can’t manipulate them to fit our expectations. Think of all the pressure that is put on you on a daily basis.

Think of the parents, coaches, friends, and other people all putting pressure on you.  Teachers wanting you to get good grades, friends wanting you to be cool, coaches wanting you to do better on the team.  Think how you feel with all that pressure.  Now multiply it by about 4 million.  Imagine 4 million people putting pressure on you.  Expecting you to act a certain way.  To think certain things, to be a certain person.  None of us knows the boys personally.  None of us is their best friend, their brother/sister or their parent.  None of us knows what they think, how they feel and who they want to be.  We need to stop categorizing them.  We can’t just control their lives as if they are characters and we are their creator.  

Please, I beg of you stop and think.  The whole point of this fandom is a love of One Direction.  We should be united over a common cause.  Instead we are busy worrying about trivial things that don’t even matter.  If we can’t even unite ourselves over something we all love, than what can we do.

Please spread this around.  This Mr. X deal has escalated beyond a point that I could ever have imagined.  No one is ‘falling’ no one is dying.  Nothing except this fandom.  And it’s all our fault.  

If you have any questions, please contact me. I inadvertently started this mess and i intend to finish it.


Sandra Xavier, Mr. X

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