I......LOVE, FPS!!! =D

Battlefield Bad Company 2,
Squad Deathmatch,
White Pass...

I spawn as a Sniper... I've equipped, one of my All Time Favorite(in game - because I've Never seen it with my own eyes, or held it with my bare hands)guns - the Russian VSS Vintorez - a full time silenced Sniper rifle, capable of 900 rpm...
It's Freezing - Now, I live in the Caribbean(have never left), but, I have & use a 6.1 surround sound system, & because of how accurate the realism & detail of the sound effects are for this FPS(when set on War Tapes), I can hear all audible sounds associated with being on a 'freezing' snow filled mountain - (anyways, back to the 'story')The wind is blowing & I seek cover in some bushes that look like my Ghillie suit...
I hold position, I stay very still, & I keep as quiet as possible, for any sudden movement could give me away to snipers that may be looking my way, & any sound I make, can make enemies look my way, or worse, look right at me(& trust me - I have 'killed' many enemies who gave away their position, by moving too much, or making unnecessary noise - LOL #WatchYourself)...
I am basically on a hunt - using cunning to elude & or 'kill' enemies....
I hear enemy sniper fire... With the accuracy of my 6.1 surround, I look in the direction of where the shot came from... I wait(snipers need to be patient). The sniper shoots again(with an unsilenced rifle - A Super No-No IMO), but, he's hiding in the bushes like I do, so I hesitate, & when he fires again, I barely see his head, & fire two shots - 'TAP TAP' - taking him out...
Minutes & 'kills' later, I hear footsteps coming towards me from behind... I quickly turn around & see an enemy running in to knife me... I then squeeze the trigger of my VSS, unleashing 900 rounds per minute at him, taking him out...
My position is now compromised, & I must risk my 'life' by leaving my cover, & find yet another place to hide(& start all over again)... =]

Now doesn't that sound FUN? Playing a game using Real life weapons, & sounds, & camouflage, & stealth tactics? & the thing about FPS(like GT5 as well)is, you are put IN the action - you are not 'looking on' like with other types of games, & therefore you get a more immersed feeling - ESPECIALLY when using 6.1 surround(not virtual)...
I have been startled by enemies, felt the need to run & jump away from grenades, felt the rush when falling(in Dust 514 & Battlefield 3)& like in GT5, felt the speed when racing & the anxiety, when sliding off the track, crashing, etc(with Emphasis on FELT & not witnessed)...
First Person Shooters Put You In The Game, & Allow You To Better\Truly Experience, The Experience(LOL), as opposed to, looking on, as another experiences(the difference between Looking, at a Football game, & Playing said Football game)...

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