Hi, I'm going to tell you about my life. . .

All my life I have been bullied by neighbors,kids at school,classmates,teachers,family & There's even more.

At School life was horrible. Everywhere I turned someone was hurting me. I would be the only kid sitting alone everyday. People would pick on me for my looks & personality. I couldn't do anything without being judged. When people walked by me they would stop & laugh and whisper to their friends while pointing at me. I would get called fat & ugly. I didn't understand what I did to have that. The teachers hated me... They would yell at me for no reason, make fun of me infront of everybody, not care about my feelings & more. I had bad anxiety & depression. My mom tried to explain to the teacher about how i felt and how i was but she told my mom she likes to ignore it. I would puke every morning because I was nervous to go to school and be hurt again. I would come home crying everyday.

My mom found out about homeschooling & thought we should try it.. so we did.

I thought it couldn't get worse..... but it did.
In 2011 I got sexually abused. It was one of the worse things in my life. Court & Police were involved and it was so scary. I almost had to go to court but I decided to take this thing where he has a year of being watched & he has to call in every once in a while & yeah. It was my friends dad, so I lost a friend which was upsetting cause I already had no friends.

Neighbors - One night i did my hair because i had to do it for the next day, when i came home somebody stole my chalk and wrote on the sidewalk infront of my house saying 'Hannah Looks ugly - by somebody' that hurt because people always called me ugly and i was tired of it. People wrote about me in the slide which made stuff even worse/: It took me 2 hours to wash it off since it was permanent marker :(

Family - I get treated different in my family, because I am different. Nobody understands how I feel. I get judged on everything I do. I can't be myself.
All the family members have hurt me one way or another. My dad really has hurt me. He does everything for my brother & nothing for me. (AS I FEEL)
He will let my brother choose everything, i get to choose nothing. he pays for stuff with my brother.. and he wont even buy me 1d tickets when I would be dead if it wasn't for them.

So much more has happened in my life. I am just too tired to continue because its 2am.
But I really wanted to tell a little bit of whats happened to me.
I bet nobody will read this, but thanks if you did!

& I want to thank 1d for saving my life because I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them.<3

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