CLARIFICATION - YH and Kiss Incident. FanAcc


The source is a FanAcc in the FB page of Boice Chile, they are the rightful owners of this and I'm just translatin to help international fans understand what happened. The person sharing this fanacc, was beside the girl that caused the incident...

'To clarify about the girl that kissed YH... It was on the CHEEK... He was abruptly pulled... It was NOT a fan... Not from Chile or Peru or any part of America, nothing. She was some random girl that was just there'

T/N. Translator's Note:

That is what the post says, then in the comments the author and several others clarify a little more and I'm going to give the general idea.

The members of the fanclub went to talk to her, the discussion went for a long while and at first this girl was very rude but the discussion went on then she said she was sorry. To add information, she was just a girl that went to see all artist, this same girl jumped on one of the DAVICHI girls to hug her really tight, the girl from DAVICHI was really scared after the incident.

Personal Note: I wanted to put this up to clarify the rumors and clean the name of Latin American Boice Fans. They even went there to talk to the lady in question for doing this crazy stuff, because we know it is just wrong! So there. There are crazy fans everywhere nothing to do and poor girl from Davichi...

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