31st Oct 2012 from Twitlonger

Rabbi: “Do you take Prince and Paris trick-or-treating?”

MJ: “Absolutely, we have a family that we go with in the area and we give them the candy. I want them to see that people can be kind. We get it in a bag and then [whispering] I exchange their candy for candy eyeballs.”

Rabbi: “Insights like that, Michael…You should do press releases about things like that. ‘The essence of Halloween is for children to witness the kindness of strangers.’ I like that. It’s a nice thought. It elevates trick-or-treating into something more meaningful than sponging candy.”

MJ: “I cry behind my mask. I really do, when I go with them and people say, ‘Open your bag,’ and I think, look what I have been missing. I didn’t know that this…I look at their face and the are giving you a gift. It’s sweet. The kids come and they open their bags and then they go, ‘Oh, look at this little one,’ and it is just sweet the way they respond. I think that’s very kind. That part of America I am proud of.”

from Rabbi Boteach's book

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