
Louie · @JanetsMuscles

29th Oct 2012 from Twitlonger

Hello international Devlinators!
As you already know, Janet's album is set to be realeased in Spring 2013, and to follow a tour has been announce. Janet will need all the promotion she can get up until then, in order for both of them to be successful, which we all want.

Myself and Jenii have arranged a competition for every international Devlinator to take part. What you have to do is simple:
You have to promote Janet in your town, in any way you like, and take a picture or video of it. Promoting Janet could be as big and amazing as you like, but definitely has to be eye-catching! The winner, who we felt promoted Janet the best, will recieve a video message from Janet Devlin herself!

The cut of date for the competition is the 29th November.
The competition is open for international Devlinators only.
Myself and Jenii will choose the winners.
Submitions to be sent to louie.deans@yahoo.com, with the subject of the e-mail as 'JANET DEVLIN COMPETITION.'

Hope you have fun taking part, remember the cut off date and where you have to send the submissions.


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