
XIAworld · @XIA_world

29th Oct 2012 from Twitlonger

[TRANS] Junsu's speech after receiving Popularity award in the 18th KMA

A few days ago, I was interviewed and asked when I felt happy while playing in musical. I simply answered that it was when I hear the applause from the audience in curtain call. This award seems just like a curtain call to me.

@lovethemusical 며칠 전에 인터뷰를 했는데 뮤지컬할 때 언제가 기쁘냐고 물어보더라고요. 단순하게 얘기했습니다. 커튼콜 때 객석에서 박수 들을 때가 기쁘다고 얘기했는데 이 상이 커튼콜같은 상인 것 같아요. (김준수, 인기스타상)

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