[EDITED][Trans/Fanaccount] Junsu was spotted in Jaejoong's newly opened coffee shop 'Coffee Cojjee' on Oct,12th ^^ (No pictures taken)

"@ l215thexiahtic: 지인이 아까방금 커피코지가서 준수오빠를 봤다하지만 .." trans: Though (fan's name) just went now to Coffee Cojjee and said she saw Junsu..

"@ S_oraJ: 헐ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 들어가는거 보고 설마했는데 준수오빠가 맞았구낰ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ" trans: omg lol I saw him enter and told myself 'no way!' but it was indeed Junsu lol

"@ S_oraJ: 오빠 오늘 머리내리시고 안경쓰시고 왔는뎈ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 자켓엨ㅋㅋㅋ" trans: Junsu came today with his hair down, his glasses on lol and with his jacket on lol

"@ S_oraJ @ Amado0311: 차보고 김박김찬데..이러면서 나오다가 준수오빠? 아닌가.. 이러곸ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ" trans: I looked up at the car and it was a JYJ car so I asked myself when I came out 'Junsu oppa? or maybe not..' I was like that lol

"@ S_oraJ: 씨앗어빠 살짝 부농끼도는 꿀빛이였당ㅁㅋㄴㅋ" trans: Junsu's pink hair was slightly light honey lol

"@ FLORA0126: 커피코지 갔다가 준수 봄 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ" trans: Went to Coffee Cojjee and saw Junsu lol
"준수 본 사람도 몇 없담서여?" trans: Heard there were not much people who saw Junsu?

"@ moritz_ing: 아 커피코지 갔다가 나오는데 준수 봤.." trans: Ah, went to Coffee Cojjee but when I came out I saw Junsu..

Jaejoong was also seen there but a day before on Oct, 11th:
(10/12) '@ bluedasomi @ daldalhanu: 어제능어떤분코지갔다가재중이봤답니댜' trans: Yesterday, someone went to "Cojjee" and saw Jaejoong.

Credits to all the twitter accounts cited
Compiled and Translated by Sheena (@parksheena6004)

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