#Syria: TwitLonger list of video reports of an aerial attack on Kafr Nabl:

September 27th (2012) a number of videos - all titled as being from Kafr Nabl - was uploaded to Idlib ENN News Network's YouTube channel.

Kafr Nabl on the map:

Several of the videos show planes attacking - most of them firing rockets.
In many of the videos the rocket are clearly visible, but still to blurred for me to identify the model.

The sounds of the blasts and the damages video-reported, seems to me, to be larger, than what I would expect from the S-5 rockets (which is the rocket that have been seen most often in videos of ordnance fragments).

S-5 in Wikipedia:

In the video-reports, that I've viewed, with same upload date and (stated) location, no fragments of exploded rockets or bombs are visible, which makes impossible for me, other than to speculate as to what kind of rocket were fired. Also, the damages shown might not be caused by the rocket, that are fired in the (other) recordings.
To me the rockets look like they are white, which could match the S-5, but as mentioned earlier, I suspect these were carrying a larger charge. If so they could be a different variant of the S-5. Another possibility I see, is that they were the larger S-8 model.

S-8 in Wikipedia:

Planes attacking:

Unidentified plane making low pass. Using unidentified ordnance:

MiG-21 firing autocannon (view from behind a rock):

MiG-21 (I think) firing two rockets (view towards symmetrical building):

Video cut three times: Searching the sky. Cut. Unidentified plane firing two rocket. Cut. Unidentified plane possibly firing auto cannon. Cut. Unidentified plane disappearing (view towards white minaret):

Unidentified plane firing two rockets (view to electricity pole):

Unidentified plane firing two rockets (view from under a tree):

Unidentified plane firing two rockets (view of skyline with smoke/dust rising):

Material damages:

Smoke/dust cloud over town (rising from close to mosque dome):

Damages to a building. People removing property:

AlJazeera report from Idlib countryside (uploaded to same channel). Opposition fighters using expended rockets and unexploded bombs to produce grenades.
Many fragments of S-5 rockets. If the man speaking is the same as the man in a pink shirt in previous video, this could be an indication of what kind of rockets, the jets in these videos are firing (this report would have been made some time before september 27th):

Damages to buildings next to mosque:

Crater in the street. Camera man riding motorcycle:

Crater in the street (same as above). Man getting down in the crater:

Crater in the street (same as above). Sound of jet passing:

Crater in the street (same). View of damages to buildings around it:

Smoke from building next to the crater in the street (videos above). Building possibly hit too:

Damages to cars and buildings in a street (different from previous videos):

Human costs:

Opposition fighter firing an assault rifle against a plane. Loud shouting speech of anger:

Victims being treated in a hospital/clinic (one of several such videos):

Link to channel:

This channel has many more videos of attacks on other towns, of demonstrations, armed resistance, as well as documentation of the human cost of the war.

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