#LAWYEROCRACY: #auspol #ausnews Latest on @JuliaGillard #AWU lawyer misconduct investigations.

Meet Victoria's “less than 10% of Legal Services Commissioner", Mr Michael Keith McGarvie. He claims no power to regulate lawyers who do legal stuff in court rooms (ie 90% + of all lawyers). Cute, huh? Bless his little lawyers socks: http://lawyerocracyontrial.wordpress.com/?s=mcgarvie



Hello and more praise for your good investigative work Michael.

Here is a link to a letter I have sent to Victoria's "Less than 10% of Legal Services, Commissioner" demanding acknowledgement etc of my formal complaint to trigger and investigation of the lawyer misconduct allegations against Ms Gillard that surfaced but were never properly addressed way back in 1996. See and download the full 8 page letter here: http://imgur.com/PaMUA  

The allegations against Ms Gillard seem to fall squarely within the “less than 10% of legal services” that the Legal Services Commissioner does (on its view of the world), ah hem, regulate.  He claims no power to regulate lawyers who do legal stuff in court rooms (ie 90% + of all lawyers). Cute, huh? Bless his little lawyers socks.

You will see that I have recommended the Legal Services Commissioner's team review the excellent investigative work and treasure trove of leads at your blog, and the corresponding investigations of other high profile journalists in Sydney and Melbourne, whose blogs I have listed on page 2.

You will see I have also exposed, by way of 4 + 1 pointy questions the depth of corruption, in short the protection racket that this phoney regulator runs instead of the regulatory regime it is supposed to be operating.

If you or your readers are interested in following through on that higher order of corruption (the corrupt legal regulator, a scheme that is replicated in every State and Territory throughout Australia - certainly not a uniquely Victorian situation), I suggest the following mainstream news reports as useful starting points:



Shocking isn't it? You might want to look at my twin blogs to see how deep the rabbit hole goes:



And then there's a radio interview I did in May (easier investment to listen rather than read):


Best wishes
James Johnson CHR
Independent Candidate for Lalor
Journalist. Whistleblower
Consitututional Human Rights Advocate
Solicitor and Barrister of the High Court of Australia
(Celebrating 20 Years of Legal Practice 1990 - 2010)

COMMENT TO MICHAEL SMITH BLOG on 20120924 (posted)


Hello, and good work, Michael,

I filed a formal complaint with the Victorian Legal Services Commissioner a couple of weeks back, requesting a proper investigation into the allegations of lawyer misconduct against Julia Gillard that have resurfaced in the media.

As far as I am aware stories have been circulating since the AWU scandal and Julia Gillard were mentioned in Victorian Parliament (captured on Hansard) way back in 1996. That was about the time Julia was a staffer for Victorian Premier Joan Kirner (remember her) and then for Victorian opposition leader (Premier towards the end of 1998 - 2010) John Brumby.

You can download a full copy of the formal complaint that I filed with the Victorian Legal Services Commissioner (also mentioned on Andrew Bolt's blog) via the links that are set out in this tweet:


#POLITICS: Latest on #Lawyeorocracy on Trial AND PM @JuliaGillard #awu lawyer misconduct investigations http://tl.gd/j9hpen #auspol #QandA

The formal complaint I fild (downloadable via two links embeded inside that tweet / link) is also a good introduction to the corruption, hypocrisy and misconduct attendant on this legal regulatory process (viz part of the explanation why any dirt has been so well covered up and over for more than a decade). The Legal Services Commissioner scheme is built-owned-operated by lawyers at massive public waste and expense as a protection racket (the bad and ugly protecting the bad and ugly of the lawyers world). It is not an independent regulatory scheme. But no need to overload you with the scary truth about who our lawyers (and their lawyer-mates in the bureaucracy, judiciary and parliaments) are really serving. You can unravel the tale from there.

Best wishes
James Johnson CHR
Independent Candidate for Lalor
Journalist. Whistleblower
Constitutional Human Rights Advocate
Solicitor and Barrister of the High Court of Australia
(Celebrating 20 Years of Legal Practice 1990 - 2010)

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