Something worth noting about the BV interview, specifically in terms of the writer's injecting her own speculation about whom Kristen was referencing with her comments about loving and missing her boyfriend, and wanting to have children with him.

The writer preceeds those quotes by saying that Kristen had just come back from the Australian leg of the SWATH tour before this meeting in Paris- a very neat set-up that seemed desigmed to lead the reader toward the writer's speculation that Kristen may have been speaking about Sanders.

However had she bothered to have done her homework on this - along with other things like Kristen's age and her father's name - she would have known that Kristen actually flew to Paris straight from spending three days at a wedding with... her boyfriend. That would be one Robert Pattinson. And that at said wedding she had mentioned there (based on accoutns from people in attendance)wanting to have children. So you see, her comments didn't exactly come out of left field.

Furthermore, after three days in a very romantic environment, and after having been through a number of work-related seperations that month, she was now again without him in a city that has played a signigicant part in their history, and where they had recently spent a very happy week together.

So maybe it was not at all unusual that she would be missing him, and even that she would drop her usual reluctance to talk about him. (Although clearly the writer hadn't read or watched any recent Kristen interviews where she had been progressively more open about mentioning him. I guess research and homework aren't a big thing on that side of the pond.)

Then again, maybe the writer WAS aware of all of these things.

Maybe she just knows that innuendo sells better.

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