
Peter Kofod · @peterkofod

25th Aug 2012 from Twitlonger

Klamberg posted this on his twitter today: ( )
"Professor Ove Bring: guarantee in advance not possible (Bring is the main authority in Sweden on international law) "

Here is a direct link to the article:

In that very article, Ove Bring (who Klamberg himself claims is "the main authority in Sweden on international law", writes (final paragraph) :

(regarding up-front guarantee not to extradite)

"- Vem skulle garantera det? Högsta domstolen kan inte föregripa sin egen prövning.
Om det kommer en sådan begäran måste den hanteras på sedvanligt sätt.
– Sedan kan ju regeringen stoppa en utlämning även om HD har sagt ja men den kan inte ge några garantier i det här skedet."

"Who should be able to guarantee that? The High Court can not anticipate it's own ruling. If a request (for extradition) should come, it must be handled the normal way.
- Then the government can stop a extradition even if the High Court has ruled yes/in favor (of extradition), but it can't issue a guarantee at this stage."

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