#Atheism+? Really? So rather than combat rampant anti-feminist/racist/homophobic fuckwittery with debate, the solution is to just invent yet another label and, with it, a new clique? This was tried with "pearlist" and "bright;" those terms never really caught on, either, and that's because one cannot set out to create a new "wave" of anything, including atheism. A true revolutionary wave cannot be manufactured; such attempts die quick deaths, as people see right through the affected rhetoric that always comes with such endeavors. And really now, aren't you grappling these issues backwards by declaring yourself an atheist PLUS these other pet causes, like homophobia, racism, sexism, etc. In my opinion, the primary focus should be upon these issues, and the aspect of atheism as more of an afterthought which has little, if anything at all, to do with one's positions on such hot-button topics. Quit trying to create an "atheist movement;" it's futile and pointless. Secularism, skepticism, equality and justice... now, THOSE are issues that are worthy of activism.

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