
tammy · @My_Yunnie

21st Aug 2012 from Twitlonger

trans of one of 85club friend]

Who is this person? it's very similar to the one who well known

흔하지않게 너무 올곧아 되려 늘 걱정이었다.
모든걸 짊어지려는건 어쩔 수 없지만 그 누구한테라도
단한번도 내뱉지 않으려 하는 철저함에 더욱 안쓰러웠는데
그래도 결국 본인의 몫. 묵묵하게, 그저 믿음으로, 일관하는 의리, 한결같음으로 오늘이 왔나보다.

우연찮게 나에 관련된 글을 보다가 그의 진심을 알아주는 이들의 대화(?)를 보니 내 마음이 너무 따뜻해진다!
감사, 감사.

지난 날 몇번이고 새벽에 자고있는 나에게 전화로
팬자랑 하던 팬바보.
그의 의리로 또 한번 감동.
늘 늘 늘! 감사. 조용히 있는게 도와주는건데 너도, 너의 그분들도 너무 감동이기에 십년만에 처음으로 민폐한번 끼칩니다.

I was worried because he is quite unusual
straight men.
I felt sorry for his thoroughness that he never
once talked to anyone even he was taking everything on his shoulder.
though it is eventually his share but he is here with silent, faith, consistent loyalty, and constancy.

i accidentally saw a writing related to me and my heart is very warm looking at the conversation(?) between peoples that know his heart.
Thanks, Thanks.

In the past days, calling me again and again at dawn while sleeping to boast your fan like a fool.
impressed once again by his loyalty.
Always always always! Thank you.
staying quiet is more helpful for you but
you and your fans are brilliantly impressed so
I will take the first trouble for the first
time in ten years.


now, all of you should know who is that person.
i believe. ^_^
this is writing of the girl from 85club
(did volunteer activities together with Yunho and
other 85club members)
she recently married to Volleyball player Han sunsoo
( pic -
news link -
she wrote this in her own twitter a few day later after wedding ceremony.

thank you yunho & his friends.
thank you god for lead me to yunho.

original cr -

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