
RobViper · @RobViper

21st Aug 2012 from Twitlonger

CMLL weekeend TV thoughts: C3 was another good show. The main event was exactly what it should have been - all action. I was a little worried at first when the rudos took over b/c it was very clumsy but things picked up quickly. It might have been the first acceptable Diamante performance yet! Titan was amazing as usual. The semi-main was also really good. Guerrero Maya did this awesome armdrag spot with Misterioso. I get the feeling a (non less than 5 min) match with them would be fantastic. The opening two matches were the usual fair. Nothing really stood out except Hombre Bala finding new ways to squash his opponents and Fantasy/Mercurio seemingly feuding. Why? What a random pair.

FSE was a mixed bag. The Molotov/Signo match was pretty bad. Two really boring wrestlers in a dull match. Shocking, eh? Out of all the lightning matches in the can it boggles the mind this is the one they chose. Titan vs Virus anyone? The Arena Mex segunda w/ Cometa/Puma feuding was great. I don't think CMLL knows where they are going with this and I'm actually okay with that b/c I could watch these guys feud forever! The DQ finish was executed perfectly and looked brutal. Everyone else in the match were just innocent bystanders. Main event had it's moments but was paint by numbers otherwise. I couldn't tell whether Volador legit hurt himself near the end of the 2nd fall or whether it was planned. Leaning more towards the former since he seemed geniuinely surprised at the whiplash. This was another match where nobody else involved mattered at all. I remember Dr. Lucha once saying the best match CMLL could run would be Monito vs Zacarias but it'd be impossible. This feud is pretty damn close w/ Volador/Mije vs Niebla/Zacarias. A double mask match would be epic! (I know it's not happening).

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