
Kaymee · @Kaymee

20th Aug 2012 from Twitlonger

@not_me @asher_wolf #Ntrepid trademark for #NYMS
"Goods and Services IC 009. US 021 023 026 036 038. G & S: Computer software for providing disposable and pseudonymous e-mail addresses for the purpose of accessing and using the Internet pseudonymously. FIRST USE: 20061004. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20061004

IC 038. US 100 101 104. G & S: Providing pseudonymous transmission of information over global computer networks; Electronic data transmission ; Communication services, namely, transmission of voice, audio, visual images and data by telecommunications networks, wireless communications networks, the Internet, information services networks and data networks. FIRST USE: 20061004. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20061004

IC 042. US 100 101. G & S: Providing a web site that gives that users the ability to create, use, and manage disposable, pseudonymous email addresses; Providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for providing disposable and pseudonymous e-mail addresses for the purpose of accessing and using the Internet pseudonymously. FIRST USE: 20061004. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 20061004" http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4003:ekto6p.2.8

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